Friday, June 4, 2010

I've always wanted to do a fashion blog/posts like I said down below.
There's another type of blog that I've been eager to do on.

Yup, there, I said it.

But I'm always so lazy to get my camera out every single minute of the day.
And to lug it around 24/7.
I just told the whole world how lazy I am, and how much I am in need of a semi-SLR camera that is not as bulky as my current SLR.

Of course, I need my lomo cameras too.

I can't wait for work to start either in the Summer or Fall semester.
It's going to be annoying on one hand, but awesome in the other.
1) Working with friends - how can that suck, seriously?
2) Earning some cash for yourself - which part of that sounds bad to you?

Oh, and I've decided something.
Before I really go ahead with TRYING my best to do fashion posts.
I need to:
1) Lose weight and be skinny to look good in my photos.
I just realized how low my self-esteem is at times.
2) To buy more clothes :p
I need them anyway.
Summer is coming and I don't want to wear jeans all the time!
I'll probably die from a heat stroke.
I need to get more shorts and tops that are prettaye :)
3) Improve my photographing skills.
Apparently I suck at taking pictures of people.
Aly will agree with me on this one.

And, that's probably it for now.
I can't really think of any good reasons or rather excuses.
It's 1245pm now.
I better go ahead and bathe.
230pm appointment to have a school tour around Le Cordon Bleu today.
I'm pulling Cet with me as he doesn't have class.

Staying over at Jenny's house by the way.
Drove 36 miles out yesterday to ABC - Arcadia Badminton Club.
Played 30 minutes straight.
I realized how much of a "noob" I am with Badminton and its rules.

85, ID Cha House after that.
We all shared snacks.
A lot of snacks.
1) Fried Fish Tofu,
2) French Fries,
3) Fried Mushrooms,
4) Tempura,
5) Popcorn Chicken,
and we all had our boba drink each.

I kinda miss this late snacking and eating after Badminton.
I used to do this every Thursday with them for probably 2 months.
I just loathe the part where I know I'll probably gain weight if I continue doing so.

At Jenny's house with Kar was just the best.
Gossiping, taking pictures, taking retarded pictures, took 2 even-more-retarded videos, and all from 12(ish)am to 3am.
Before Kartika went home.

We should probably do this once a month or something.
Before this, I've counted and I think I haven't seen you guys since you guys surprised me for my birthday.
Which was in late February, right?
That was 3 months ago.
What a long time.

Okay, it's 1250pm now.
I need to bathe and get ready.
And wake Cet up.
Okay, goodbye.

Will not blog as much these days.
Sorry about that.
I'll try to update more if I can :)


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