Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I really need to be 43-45kg.
I'm not really eating dinners anymore.

A normal lunch, at times.

That's my routine for the past 3 days.
Except Monday where I didn't have Taekwondo..
But I worked from 3pm to 745pm at the Bookstore.

I'm going to be a little more insane..
By trying to add gym to every single day of my week.
Until I go back to Singapore.
Then I shall cut it down, or actually maintain it if possible.

Taekwondo today wasn't very fun at the end.
I was sparring with this girl, or rather woman.
She's my instructor's fiance.
You can't tell how much power she has inside of her.
Trust me.
She can spar.
But she can't aim where she should kick.
We are supposed to kick the "vest" or some sort that protects our chest.
Out of 10 kicks, at least 6 of those probably landed on my thighs.
Yes, my thighs.
And the amount of force that she used..
Just killed me.

They still hurt until now.
When I touch them, I mean.

Time to sleep..
Goodnight :)

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