Saturday, October 30, 2010

I survived Universal Studio's Halloween Horror Night! :D
It was filled with so much fun, joy, laughter and craziness!
With a little tears from me and someone else though.
But overall, it was so entertaining!
Especially since we went in such a big group.

All of us had a partner by the end of the first maze.
Girls paired up with a guy to get some protection and stuff.
It was quite fun.
During mazes, we would wound up hooking arms or holding hands with the ENTIRE group.
So each girl had two guys, one by their side and at their back.

I cried at the end of the first maze, which was the "Vampyre: Castle of the Undead".
It was not THAT bad until the last part.
I was really scared but not to the point of crying until the moment right before we exited.
The room with all of the white "ghosts".
That was bad.
When I was about to leave the maze for good, this "ghost" was waiting behind the wall and scared the hell out of me!
And that was when I cried.
Man, without that, I could have proved myself wrong when I said I will so definitely cry last night!
Oh well, what I did was to prove that I was right all along and that I'm a scaredey-cat.

The others that we went to were:
Terror Tram
King Kong 360 3-D: The Skull Island Express
A Nightmare on Elm Street: Never Sleep Again
Saw: Game On

Terror Tram was fine until the part where they made you go down and walk through this patch of land that is filled with people with make up or costume waiting for you..
But the thing that made it fun was that a few of us who went already knew where's the ghost so we're like..
"Di kiri, di kanan" and all that.
Even with that, we were still shocked when they came out.
For this walk, we were crowding ourselves into one big group and walked together in that manner...
So hard to walk but that was cute.
OH, during the walk, this person came to scare me by appearing in front of my face.
I didn't know how to react because I wasn't that scared.
So I said, "Hi".
And after that Steph and I winded up saying "Hey~" to the people who place their faces in front of us.

King Kong left me in awe.
It was just spectacular.
But this ride, I believe, wouldn't make people come back for more.
I mean, it's really cool and stuff but probably the maximum number of times I would ride this in a day is 2.
However, all of you should really try out this ride.
It's such a new concept that will leave you just all amazed!

Nightmare on Elm Street vs Saw.
Nightmare was scary, but personally, I feel that Saw is scarier.
Maybe it's because Nightmare only had one character in the show and throughout the whole maze, I was squished in between Hebron and Julian that I didn't really see everything to make me feel really scared.
I mean, comparing that to Saw, where there exists already 5 sequels and stuff.
And I wasn't really in between two people, so I saw more stuff.
And I got scared twice, by that I mean the "ghosts" literally came out from the door when I was in front of it.

Yeah, that's about it.
The funniest part of yesterday was when someone got scared when we're walking out of the Nightmare maze to the point that that person almost fell down!
I'm not going to say who because that wouldn't be nice..
But all of us present last night would know who and it'll always be there in your memories!

All of us were so exhausted and worn out by the end of the night.
To the point where the 6 of us in the car, Hebron, James, Alfred, Jess, Steph and myself didn't communicate all the way.
You should have seen us en route to Universals.
We were quite talkative!
Oh, I forgot to mention, we had Tony Roma's for dinner and we faked Iwan Tjhai's birthday.
He didn't know it was for him until the waiter placed the cake in front of him.
It was then when his face turned red!
Really red.

Hahaha, I'm losing my voice.
My throat is hurting so badly now.
I blame all of the screamings for this pain.
I really did scream a lot.
Julian complained after Nightmare that I was screaming even BEFORE the people came out to scare us.
Hahaha, when he said that I was laughing, at myself.

Okay, time to bathe, drink some honey water, drink some tea, and head to LMU to finish up my homework for the weekend before tonight.
It's time to watch either Paranormal Activity 2 or Saw 3D!
It's about time to catch a movie!
My last movie was Jackass 3D and that seems like eons ago.

Okiedokie, goodbye lovelies!

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