Sunday, October 10, 2010

Geez, I can't believe the day passed so quickly.
Today was filled with tears.
For me.
I cried a million times today.
Mostly over baptism ceremony, and the last time was because of an incident that happened to me.

So, Caroline Febrianty is a new person from 10/10/10 onwards.
I'm going to try to do what I wish - to inspire people, influence them, reach out to them, through my blog or any other forms of communication.
Others need to realize how real God is, how true He is to us, how much He sacrificed for us, how He will always be there for you, how much He will protect you no matter what and etc etc.

There is just an endless list of things that I can say about our God.
About how good He is.
How awesome and just wonderful He is.

During my baptism just now, I felt the water around my legs change.
It wasn't the same feeling I felt when I just entered the pool.
There's no word to describe it, because it is just so phenomenal.
There are two different ways to look at it.
Firstly, it's just God showing me that He is there, not only spiritually, but also physically.
Secondly, it's all of the doubts and the devil inside of me being washed away.
I personally believe that it's the both of them.
For the fact that God was present, allowing me to be spiritually reborn, it got rid of the unwanted things inside of me.
During the very short time I was in the water, I just felt that the water what cleansing my body, getting rid of the dirt in me.
After Pastor Ray got me out of the water, I just felt this huge sense of peace, love and warmth.

You can choose not to believe this.
But this is my personal experience and I just wish to share it with you so that you will understand in small pieces on how God works in our life.
He is so real that He was there for me during my baptism.
I am so sure to say now that He is watching over me, and blessing me in every aspect of life ever possible.
He always keep His promise by showing me that He is there when I ask for Him to show me that He is there and He is real.
He filled my heart, mind and soul with the Holy Spirit when I asked, sought and knocked, praying that the Holy Spirit would be able to fill me.
God does not break His promises.

From the Encounter Retreat, I have learnt so many incredible things that I will post about one day.
The presence of God is just so true that everyone felt it.
Everyone could see that everyone was feeling His presence and that that feeling was just so real that you have to be there to experience it.
I totally did not make the wrong decision by going for the retreat.
Since the retreat ended, I just got this call from God, telling me that it is my time to get baptized.
I was just so amazed by what God does.
He is our Father, our King, our God, our Best Friend and everything else.
Being able to have that special relationship with God just makes me feel so great inside.

This is just a start to what I'm going to update about the Encounter Retreat.
Now I just can't wait for Thanksgiving Retreat to come.
I can't wait to learn more about my God and His words.

Nothing can describe everything that I felt for the past few days.
No words can do that.
That's the one impossible thing to explain to you guys.

Guys and girls, always remember in your heart about how real God is.
And think of how much He mean to you.
Pray for Him to enter your life again if you sense you are far away from Him.
Pray to invite the Holy Spirit into your heart.
Never forget how much pain Jesus went through when He died on the cross for us.

I'm going to pray and head for bed right now.
This post is ending so abruptly because there's just no nice soft way to end this topic.
This can go on forever and ever.
I'll try to post as soon as I can about my experience for the few crazy days I've went through.
Goodnight lovelies and may God bless you.

1 comment:

t a l i s h a said...

sorry i couldn't be there to watch you baptized.. but i believe that God listened to my prayers abt you line.. i'm glad that you've let him take over your life and everything :) spread the blessingssss! :)