Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Had a very "wise-y" moment with Ayumi and Elius on Saturday.
A few points made but I honestly can't remember every single little detail of whatever we said.

We are all special in God's eyes.

During POP, for the fact that He wants us to do something, to pay for something small with our lives, it just simply means that He loves us so much as he chose us out of the billions of people in this world.

I know that you might think "Hey, that is what everyone thinks, so doesn't that contradicts itself? I mean, how could every individual think the exact same thing? Feeling that we are that unique and special?"
We can't use logic to answer that question.

We used two different analogies.
Firstly, it's where people are like stars.
There are millions and billions of stars out there.
Imagine that each one of that represents each individual in this Universe.
No matter how many there are, every one of them are still shining with their own unique characteristic.

& Secondly, pretend that each one of us are like cars.
I could be a sports car, you could be a bus or an SUV.
You can't expect yourself to win in every category even if you're the most expensive or good-looking car and stuff like that.
Example, in a race, there is no way that a bus or an SUV can beat a sports car.
But in a race going up a mountain or just simply having a ride uphill, the only car that can do that in this particular example is only the SUV.
Lastly, in terms of capacity, a bus can definitely squeeze a lot more people compared to the other two.

In conclusion, we are all special in our own way.
We can't expect us to be number one at every single thing because that is just not going to happen.
No matter how much you pray or wish for it to be true.
God created every one of us to be different from one another.
There is no way that we can be champions in every single competition that we sign up for.
That is just not how life works.

When there's good, there's bad.
When there's right, there's wrong.
When there's up, there's down.
When there's rich, there's poor.
Hence, when there's God, there's Devil.

Otherwise, how would we know how to categorize people?
There is no way to prove to others that you are good when there's no one bad in this world to be in the contrast of yourself.
We are in the system but we are not of the system.

You can't expect to have all the good in this world.
If everyone is good, then everyone would be "equal", no?
With no comparison, there is just simply no difference in everything.
And that makes life mundane, doesn't it?

My point is that, if people all over the world believe in the Devil, why can't they believe that there's a God too?
Or rather, why can't they accept the fact that they have the mentality that God does exist too?
If there isn't a God who exists, a Devil wouldn't be seen as the Devil too.
Because we need to see the two extreme ends before actually believing in something.
And by believing one thing, people see you immediately as someone who believe in that other thing that is placed at the other side.

People do not realize it but their heart and mind has accepted the fact that God is real.
And that is not to be forgotten by any one of us.
God IS real.
Never forget this.

"God created the Heaven and the Earth."

Galaxy: (from wikipedia)
A galaxy is a massive, gravitationally bound system that consists of stars and stellar remnants, an interstellar medium of gas dust, and an important but poorly understood component tentatively dubbed dark matter. The Sun is one of the stars in the Milky Way galaxy; the Solar System includes the Earth and all the other objects that orbit the Sun. There are probably more than 170 billion (1.7 × 1011) galaxies in the observable universe.

Universe: (from wikipedia)
The universe is commonly defined as the totality of everything that exists,[1] including all physical matter and energy, the planets, stars, galaxies, and the contents of intergalactic space.

Now since you know how crazy huge this universe is, is it just so unimaginable to see the whole universe?
And to know that there is only one place in the whole universe where lives exist is where you and I are, doesn't that blow your mind away?
To know that God created the Heaven and Earth for all of us, don't you feel thankful, grateful and blessed that you are here right now?
That you are where you are?

How can we believe in that?
That God created the Heaven and the Earth?
And most importantly, how do we even know that God exists?
That is where, my friend, faith takes it place.
Even to those who believe in God, how much do you really trust in Him?
How true can you stay to Him?

We are so loved by God as we have the chance to live on Earth.
Doesn't that prove to you how much He loves us and how special we are to Him?

I don't think I'm making any sense right now.
So I'm going to put two quotes from my friends.

Just like the way we cannot comprehend the vast size of the universe, that is how we cannot comprehend the fullness of God. THIS is where FAITH plays its role in our lives.
- Elius Pribadi

Faith is to believe what we do not see and the reward of that is to see what we believe in.
- Wilson Hasan

I know that these are not the only things that we talked about.
I'll try to recall and share them with you guys as soon as I remember them.
Til then, try to digest these information.
These are not easy, simple things for you to understand.
It may seem like they are, but are they really?

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