Thursday, May 6, 2010

Probably the last day of gymming until next Monday.
Tomorrow's going to be cleaning up the house day.
I doubt I can gym tomorrow.
Firstly, there's a lot of things to clean up before next Thursday.
Secondly, my legs are crazy pain.
I couldn't even fast walk for more than 5 minutes.
I sprint(ed) for a minute-ish and I felt like I was going to fall back from the treadmill.
Obviously, I stopped.

So I felt, or rather am feeling a little down.
Because of my legs.
So I didn't do a lot of leg exercises.

I did:
1) 100plus situps.
2) 25ish leg lifts thingy.
3) 10 pushups, I still hate pushups.
4) 20 arm thingy.
5) Practiced my kicks.
6) Stretched for about 5-10 minutes.
7) 10 squats.
And... I think that's it.
That's so little.
Oh and the 5 minutes-ish of fast walk and 1minute-ish of sprinting too.

Oh, random note.
I never knew Gerard Bulter was the Spartan guy until a few months after I watched it.
Hehe, so stupid.

By the way, I had to drive to school today.
I rushed out of the house when Aly BBM(ed) me that Mualz told her that Chuang slept at 6am.
So we felt bad for waking him up, if we actually did.
So Aly asked me to drive instead.
And I did.

Philosophy test and Math exam.
I don't even want to say anything about them.
Yeah, I don't know.
It's kinda sucky.

I'm super sleepy now.
I'm going to bathe and sleep.
I didn't have my 7 hours of sleep yesterday.
Probably a few minutes shy of 7 hours.
I shall sleep until earliest 10am tomorrow.
Yay, I'm looking forward to my at-least 9 hours of sleep later :)

I think I exercise too much this week.
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday - Gymming.
Tuesday and Thursday - Taekwondo.
Friday's cleaning up of the house which requires energy too!

I can't wait for Boiling Crab tomorrow night though :D
I'm going to starve tomorrow afternoon.
Or I might eat the bread that I bought earlier on at Nijiya.
Nope, not the double fiber bread.
I bought Raisin AND Coffee rolls.
They are awesome :)
Just going to eat one, I promise.

15 minutes before I go have my shower.
I shall blow dry my hair even though I hate to do so.
I hate it because...
It will spoil my hair.
And I love my hair.

EH, I think my face a teeny weeny bit slimmer.
Or maybe it's my mind playing a trick on me.

I think I'll stop here for this post.
I MIGHT post later again.
Not a promise okay.
But just in case I don't, I just want to say goodnight in advanced.
I love you guys!


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