We dressed up for that.
Hahah, totally felt overdressed.
But it was fun :)
Some stuff happened before we actually sat down at our table.
But nevermind about them.
It's the past :)
We ate like barbarians.
We ordered so much.
I think, the girls eat much much more than the guys.
Hahah, okay, not me I hope.
After eating and them cleaning our table up, we asked them to bring out the cake.
We surprised Va with a cake.
I baked the cake :)
It's Red Velvet, Va likes that.
And she totally didn't expect that because her actual birthday was on Saturday and since we're going to Disneyland, we thought it would be nice to give her the cake now.
She cried.
Hehe, she said my cake was nice.
Which made me feel great because I thought it would suck.
Aly, Mualz and I planned the greatest surprise ever.
I can't believe she didn't suspect a single thing.
We went for boba after that.
Haven't had a cup of boba for one month.
That's a long time man.
Woohoo, it was fun.
We met a lot of Church people there.
A small small world.
The funny thing was Aly's sister was there and she didn't even realize it until Chuang told her.
Just going to upload a few photos because it'll take forever to upload ALL of them.
And they are all already up on Facebook :)
Next post going to be up.
Yup, it'll be on Disneyland :)
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