Friday, May 21, 2010

I'm blogging with my new Macbook Pro right now :)
It's so awesome.
I'm feeling a little ugh so bear with me alright?

So, Mastros was awesome.
But the portion was crazy huge.
Can you imagine how huge is it?
Let me try to help you out with that.
We ordered our appetizers,
1) 7 Crab Legs, one for each of us.
2) 7 Jumbo Prawns, one for each of us.
3) 2 plates of Crab Cakes, 4 Crab Cakes, 1/2 for each of us.
And of course, the complimentary bread that they gave us.

Main course:
3 plates of steak to be shared among the SEVEN of us.
Creamed Spinach, Corn, Sauteed Mushroom, Lobster Mash Potatoes.

Dessert was only one Butter Cake, also, shared among the 7 of us.

Guess what?
We didn't finish our steaks and our butter cake.

We are such anorexics.

Speaking about that.
I need to be fucking anorexic.
I'm so fat.


Please kill me.
Thank you so much.

Okay, let me get back to my new MBP.
I am loving it so much.
(I'm skype-ing with my brother now. He's not coming over anymore. BOOHOO.)
It's huge, which is good because I am going to use this to watch my videos.

Okay, I shall stop typing now.
Taekwondo testing tomorrow.
I have to wake up at 830am.
So scary.
Hope I'll pass with flying color.

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