I only gymmed for 30 minutes just now.
From 6 until 630ish.
Firstly, my left leg is starting to hurt again.
And I can't afford for it to hurt because I've Taekwondo tomorow.
And Wednesday's working out at the gym again.
And Taekwondo on Thursday aaaaagain.
Friday, hopefully I can squeeze in an hour of gymming before heading out for BOILING CRAB!
Secondly, this guy came into the gym.
And I felt very paiseh.
Hahaha :)
Thirdly, I pespired more in this 30 minutes compared to last week's 50 minutes gym session.
I fast-walked 5 minutes longer; 22 minutes this time.
And I walked in a faster speed, I think.
I incresed the speed by 0.5 mph every 5 minutes.
But the average was about 4.0 mph.
I think.
I jogged or rather ran for 2 minutes :p
At 5.5 - 6.0 mph.
I hate running.
I'll choose fast walking for an hour rather than running for 15 minutes or something.
Last but not least, I'm glad I stopped because I'm having a headache now.
And and, I've to do homework and study for my quiz, mini-exam and 2 exams.
Yes, two exams.
I stated in my post yesterday that I only have one right?
Well, I remembered last night that I also have a Philosophy exam this Thursday.
So, it's...
Wednesday - Mini-Exam for Econs and Quiz for Math.
Thursday - Exams for Philosophy and Math.
Okay, chilling for another 10 minutes.
And it's time to hit the shower!
Okay, 2 minutes down.
OHOH, diet worked out great today.
Only had salad, without pasta, without croutons AND definitely without dressings.
I hate dressings anyway.
And I munch a small handful of raisins and ate 2 oranges.
That's it for today.
How great is that?
So, oranges and raisins probably have (80 + __) calories.
I burned about 250-300ish calories just now.
Janet was telling me how I can burn 1000 calories by running for an hour.
And I told her I burned 200plus calories in 20 minutes.
She was shocked.
Yay, I actually like this.
I can't wait to make exercising a weekly routine.
Twice a week.
And I shall try to make myself swim now.
The only thing that is stopping me from swimming is that I don't really have a swimsuit here.
I can't remember if I have one here.
And I'm to lazy to search for it.
Yay, losing weight.
Dieting + Exercising is kinda fun.
I'm pretty sleepy now.
Shall go bathe and brush my teeth now.
And start doing my Math homework :)
Hopefully I'll have time to study probably Econs or Philosophy.
And finish my English homework.
I'm such a geek.
Okiedokie, bathing time :)
Will blog again later later later later.
<3 Xoxo.

From 6 until 630ish.
Firstly, my left leg is starting to hurt again.
And I can't afford for it to hurt because I've Taekwondo tomorow.
And Wednesday's working out at the gym again.
And Taekwondo on Thursday aaaaagain.
Friday, hopefully I can squeeze in an hour of gymming before heading out for BOILING CRAB!
Secondly, this guy came into the gym.
And I felt very paiseh.
Hahaha :)
Thirdly, I pespired more in this 30 minutes compared to last week's 50 minutes gym session.
I fast-walked 5 minutes longer; 22 minutes this time.
And I walked in a faster speed, I think.
I incresed the speed by 0.5 mph every 5 minutes.
But the average was about 4.0 mph.
I think.
I jogged or rather ran for 2 minutes :p
At 5.5 - 6.0 mph.
I hate running.
I'll choose fast walking for an hour rather than running for 15 minutes or something.
Last but not least, I'm glad I stopped because I'm having a headache now.
And and, I've to do homework and study for my quiz, mini-exam and 2 exams.
Yes, two exams.
I stated in my post yesterday that I only have one right?
Well, I remembered last night that I also have a Philosophy exam this Thursday.
So, it's...
Wednesday - Mini-Exam for Econs and Quiz for Math.
Thursday - Exams for Philosophy and Math.
Okay, chilling for another 10 minutes.
And it's time to hit the shower!
Okay, 2 minutes down.
OHOH, diet worked out great today.
Only had salad, without pasta, without croutons AND definitely without dressings.
I hate dressings anyway.
And I munch a small handful of raisins and ate 2 oranges.
That's it for today.
How great is that?
So, oranges and raisins probably have (80 + __) calories.
I burned about 250-300ish calories just now.
Janet was telling me how I can burn 1000 calories by running for an hour.
And I told her I burned 200plus calories in 20 minutes.
She was shocked.
Yay, I actually like this.
I can't wait to make exercising a weekly routine.
Twice a week.
And I shall try to make myself swim now.
The only thing that is stopping me from swimming is that I don't really have a swimsuit here.
I can't remember if I have one here.
And I'm to lazy to search for it.
Yay, losing weight.
Dieting + Exercising is kinda fun.
I'm pretty sleepy now.
Shall go bathe and brush my teeth now.
And start doing my Math homework :)
Hopefully I'll have time to study probably Econs or Philosophy.
And finish my English homework.
I'm such a geek.
Okiedokie, bathing time :)
Will blog again later later later later.
<3 Xoxo.

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