Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I know and I don't deny the fact that I'm not the same as before.
For you, you may think that I've become more religious.
To me, it's just that I'm getting realizing and appreciating my relationship with God.

Christianity is just not a religion.
To every single Christians out there, or whoever it may be who believes in God, it is a relationship with Him.
I said in my prayer at Wilson's the other day.
Praying that He would watch over Wilson and his new place, ensuring that Wilson is coming home to an actual home and not a "rented place" because we know that He is there, and for the fact that He is our Father, it IS home.
I just want to say that I think that applies to everyone of us.
It doesn't matter where we are, we are always home.
Because we know for sure that God is always in our mind, heart and thoughts, allowing every single place we go to to have that little sense of home.

I really am starting to get used to being in LA.
I know sometimes I will feel homesick.
Missing Daddy, Mommy and ahboy.
Missing my relatives and friends.
And soon enough, I'll have to add my two sisters in "the people I miss" list.

I just want to thank Him for allowing me to get to know such great friends here.
There's no doubt that He placed me in these groups of friends with a plan in mind.
There's always a reason for everything.
And I trust in Him.
I trust in You, Father.

Maybe my change this time is not a bad thing.
I know that you might say I'm distancing myself from you or from others.
We'll prevent that from happening.
Let's make the effort to meet up once in a while.
You know that I wouldn't want to lose you as my friend.
Don't worry so much okay.


Watched "You Again" earlier in the evening.
I cried a total of 3 times watching it.
I feel like I'm getting back to the old "crybaby" me.
Hahaha, nah, I hope not..

Anyway, that show is really good.
Everyone should catch it.
Even the guys.
No matter how chick-flick you think the movie is, you still have to watch it either way.
I even got to learn some things from it.

Going to shower and do a little work before entering my dreamland.
Goodnight in advanced, lovelies.

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