Thursday, September 23, 2010

Going to try to post everyday.
Even if it's only a sentence long.

Decided not to blog what I wanted to.
Deleted all of the things that I typed.

I guess that I'm just going to let it go, shake it off and move on.
There's no point dwelling over the small little things in life because it's just not worth it.

If we keep hanging on and getting annoyed and things like that, have you ever wondered who is it exactly that is suffering at that time? The answer is: you.
There's no one else who's suffering other than you because you're the only one looking back at the past.

Oh well, I don't think I make any sense now.
My bad, my brain is quite dead now.
I need my beauty sleep.
Going to catch up on it this weekend.

Concluded that whenever I'm really lacking of sleep, I get really quiet and stuff.
At times.
And tonight's one of the days where I'm quite quiet.
It's due to my less-than-8-hours of sleep for the past few weeks, and for the fact that I'm not feeling that good since yesterday..
It's making things worse.

Yesterday, actually I wasn't only having my splitting, pounding headache.
I think I was having a super slight fever.
For a moment, I was feeling really hot, my hands were not at the normal body temperature.
It was above it and I could feel it.
But after two minutes, it changed drastically and I was feeling chilly.
My hands turned cold and my feet were freezing.
Didn't tell anyone since it was nothing serious, so I just let myself be.
Hence the reason why I was kinda silent and looking dead last night..

Well, I know I should have taken my medicine yesterday.
But I didn't...
Because I didn't think that it was such a big deal.
Well, it's not worse now, so I guess it's fine :)

I hope I'll feel like true, crazy self tomorrow.
Time to get well and be the retarded me once again.

It's almost 11pm, I better shower and head to bed before midnight or something.
Don't want to make my condition worse.

Oh, to all of those who are sick or starting to not feel well..
Please take care of yourself.
Get ample sleep and remember to keep yourself hydrated.
Never forget to take some fruits and vegetables so that you'll have enough vitamins.
If you need anything, let me know :)

Time to bathe..
Lunch and CG tomorrow.
Oh, and hopefully hopefully we'll watch Devil tomorrow.
I really want to watch it so bad.

I'll probably squeeze some homework time tomorrow and spend my Sunday night doing up my work.
School life.
Student life.
What could you possibly expect?

To Alyybelly:
Don't ever think that you are not pretty/smart or anything else.
Don't compare yourself to others because you are who you are.
Everyone of us are unique, we're special in our own different way.
No one is perfect in this world right, babe?
God created us to be who we are.
So please don't think negatively and be such an emonemo.
You're much better than the person you see yourself to be.
You are smart, you are pretty and everything that you claim that you are not to be.
Know that you're not the only one having such thoughts.
But these thoughts can stop flooding your brain if you start thinking positively.
These are the words of the Devil and don't let them cover God's words and messages.
You are perfect just the way you are.
Bruno Mars sang it right, everyone is perfect just the way they are.
Don't doubt yourself ever again okay?
I love you belly :)

Goodnight in advanced lovelies.
Love you guys.

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