Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 1 out of 10 of the MC diet.

Feeling sick - Check.
A really bad sore throat - Check.
Fever - Check.
Cough - Check.
Major headache - Check.
Feeling cold all the time - Check.

Cancel diet - Check.

Not going to risk myself falling sick just to lost weight prior to going back to Asia.
I was motivated, not as crazy as Aly though.
But now, I'm sorry.
I just can't do it.
As much as I would like to.

I told Aly I was going to start this when I feel better.
But I still tried to chug a whole mug of my Laxative tea down my throat.
Bad decision.
Almost puked.
I banged my cup against my table and had to cover my mouth because I almost gagged and spit the whole tea that I had in my mouth.

I actually find the tea okay.
But now, I can't even stand the smell of it.

I'm really dying.
I'm going to sleep soon.
At 11pm.

I need to sleep.
I need more blankie.
I'm freezing.

I rather not diet, eat a little and still lose a lil weight rather than going ahead with this diet and fall really sick.
I need to be healthy before I go back.
Which is in 11 days.

I'm coughing so badly :(
My throat's so dry and painful.

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