Clueless on why I entered "Anorexia" in my search box.
And clicked the word 'Image' afterwards.
I regret doing so.
I really do.
I don't know why I said I want to be anorexic before.
It kills my heart seeing those anorexic photos.
Skinny = Pretty.
Sometimes that's the fact, it's not about showing others.
Sometimes it's just because you feel better about yourself being skinny.
But, it's not entirely true.
Don't get me wrong.
If skinny is pretty all the time, it means that a lot of people are ugly in this world.
And it's not the fact.
If you think skinny is pretty all the time, do what I did.
Search on people who are anorexic and look at them.
Then think about it again.
Do you really want to be like that?
People who are anorexic see themselves like this in the mirror:

And what they eat is:
I've got to hand it to them.
It takes a lot of will power to actually stay anorexic.
Imagine living without food.
I think I'll die.
Perhaps this is the reason why I can never be anorexic.
A part of me is actually glad that I can never be one.
I wouldn't want to.
Not after seeing the pictures..
I'm definitely, undoubtedly scarred for life.
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