A huge smile on my face.
Being amused, having fun with friends written all over my face.
Carrying nothing on my shoulders.
Deleting all of the negative stuff in my head just for the period of time I'm spending together with friends.
Enjoying the moment.
Feeling just so elated.
Look at my wide gigantic smile.
I never knew my smile could go so big.
Hahaha, I'm not even kidding!
I'm always complaining how I think my smile is so small.
And not-wide.
This photo just proved me otherwise.
That is a good thing right?
I need this smile to get on my face now.
Because I'm SO bored right now.
Bored, hungry, feeling fat, having nothing to do, having some thoughts in my head, wanting to go out but not at the same time, knowing that I've to do homework but I'm not, knowing that I've to study for my 2 exams next week but am not doing so.
Such a horrible state to be in huh?
I only know that I MIGHT, highlighting on the word MIGHT because it's not confirmed, go to FA, which is a Church thing.
Some may call it CG (Care Group) or FA, I don't know what it exactly stands for actually.
But it's the same thing.
I hope I go.
I don't want to stay at home the whole day because it just makes me think more than I really should.
I don't want to burn a large number of my brain cells unnecessarily.
I need them for Monday's mini-exam and Tuesday's exam.
Seriously, I need all the luck I can get.
I need to get an A, which is 90 or higher by the way.
If I don't... it's so not cool.
Okay, Monday's going to be the day I'm going to receive my Exam #2 back for Math.
I hope I score an A for that.
Okay, I'm going to bathe now.
It's 345pm.
I'm glad I compensated on my sleep.
My 6 hours of sleep a day is gone for the weekend.
I slept in and had a good 10-11 hours of sleep last night.
I could get used to this.
Hm, Dreamgirls tomorrow.
Fel & Mualz are not dressing up.
But I'm still going to wear heels eitherway.
I'm just looking for any opportunity I can find to wear my heels out.
I wouldn't want to wear them out to school.
It's ridiculous.
You're going to school to study.
Not to have a fashion show.
Unless you're in the fashion division or you're in an Art School, then you're excused.
Oh well, a society different from the one I experienced in Secondary School.
I know you'll tell me on how people are like being like this too in Poly back in Singapore.
But hey, I've never attended Poly in Singapore, how would I know?
I just got to live with it like how I've been doing since.... August last year.
Recently, I've been so lazy to BBM.
It's like...
I'm in a dilemma (as usual), I want to BBM but at the same time I don't.
I don't know.
I think it's just me.
Oh, speaking of that...
Guangwei got a Blackberry!
I'm glad the Singaporeans are catching the trend of having a Blackberry AND actually subscribed for the BB Data Plan.
But at the same time, like what Aly said, it's kinda suck-ish to know this because Indonesians won't be so unique anymore.
Hey, we started this trend!
Most Indonesians have Blackberry.
The rest are either iPhones or others.
But still, the majority of us are using Blackberry.
We are cool that way.
Okay, I'm going to bathe right now.
I don't know why I declined the invitation to go have lunch with Mualz, Fel and their friend who is an acquaintance of mine.
Dumb dumb.
Now I'm stuck alone at home.
I, too, declined accompanying my sister to the bank.
That is just me huh.
Not wanting to go out but can't help it but to complain that I'm stuck at home.
Oh, Kartika's in the west now!
She's helping Robin & Mingming move house.
Do they need help?
If they had needed help, they would have asked right?
Hm, oh well.
Rotting at home is the next alternative then.
& Jacq is coming over to the west at night.
We're going for Dreamgirls together tomorrow.
Seven girls in total.
Eva, Fel, Jacq, Kar, Mikka, Mualz and myself.
Hope it's going to be fun.
I don't know what's my plan for the afternoon though.
Had a long list but I don't know which are actually happening.
Got to clarify that before tonight.
I don't really like last-minute plans you see.
I'm having weird thoughts now.
I think it's just me.
I'm not going to elaborate any further.
If you're meant to know this, I'll come running to you.
Or not.
I think I might just bottle everything inside me.
I don't want to make things big.
It's nothing important.
Oh, I think I've decided to get the 15" Macbook Pro.
Why get the smaller one when I'm going to use it to watch my dramas?
And to watch videos of them online?
*winkwink* A handful of you should know who are "they".
I miss them.
I can't believe it's ONLY 3 months-ish since mid-December.
It feels like forever.
For the third time, I'm going to bathe...
And I mean it this time.
Will blog again tonight, or tomorrow.
With love love love, xoxo, Caroline <3
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