I'm so bored.
Alone at home.
Dajie's snowboarding and Erjie's in school.
I shall bathe and brush teeth at the same time.
So that I won't consume anything.
I'm going to sleep early tonight.
Yeap, I am.
Woke up today with an email that..... killed me.
I couldn't go back to sleep and my sister was like, "Why are you awake?!"
Normally, I would wake up at 8ish on school days.
But I woke up at 7 today.
The few of you should know what was the email.
But others, oh well.
I don't want to broadcast the thing out to the Internet world.
It's bullshit I tell you, bullshit.
Cet just upload photos.
I am so sad!!
Diet diet diet.

You know, the movie.
Because I was so blue.
So lame right, I know :)
Chuang didn't wake up today morning to send Aly and I to school.
So Aly drove.
I must be the laziest person ever.
Well, I suggested that I drive to school tomorrow...
But Chuang felt bad for not sending us to school today that he said he will send us to school tomorrow.
I've another Math Quiz tomorrow.
Today's Econs was okay.
Thursday's Philo exam.
& Next Tuesday is Math Exam #3.
Got back our Exam #2 just now.
Quite disappointed, 2 marks away from an A.
I hate it when I've no voice.
Because it means I can't sing -_-
Oh, by the way.
Tango lesson, found it.
Going with Mualz and Fel.
Don't know who else is going.
Oh, Mualz and I keep forgetting to call the Taekwondo place -_-
And I haven't try out the Hiphop place.
Shall go try it out soon.
And I should call the other dance place soon.
Left with instruments lessons that I need to hunt for now.
My voice is super sexy now.
Able to sing a couple of notes below my usual lowest note.
Friday's a movie night.
Clash of the Titans 3D.
Woo, can't wait.
I think I should drive then.
So that I don't have to make people send me home in the middle of the night.
Okay, I just spent 15 minutes (exactly!! :O) searching for classes.
For Piano, Flute and Violin.
Still deciding which one to take.
Since Mommy said I can take whatever classes I want...
I might want to learn 2 instruments.
But I'm just going to kill myself with a busy schedule.
Too many wants.
Too little time.
Okay, not going to call them until a later time because I still have to decide and all.
And of course, ask Mommy and Daddy :)
Okiedokie, I'm going to bathe now because it's already 630pm.
And I've to move the clothes to the dryer.
AND wash another batch of clothes, or rather jeans and undergarments.
Okiedokie, byebyebye.
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