Just thought about myself - my actions and all lately.
Wondered when did I start spouting all those vulgarities again.
I used to do that, but not this often.
In upper secondary, I don't even say much of it.
Unless I'm super duper pissed or something.
And Leonard would always ask me to "Mind your language" as he would say.
Now, I'm just someone who says it when I feel like it I believe.
I should stop myself from cussing once again.
I'm going to be a demure person.
I will and I must achieve that.
So, I slept for about 10.5 hours last night.
I slept at 0030 I think and woke up at 11am.
Woke up at 10am but I made myself sleep for another hour.
Just because I have planned to wake up at 11am in my head.
I'm just weird like that.
But hey, you guys like reading my weird posts!
It's 1147am now.
I watched a bit of tv just now.
And I was trying to plan the rest of my day.
I think I only have about 7-8 hours left before heading for FA.
I don't even know if I'm going tonight.
Let's see how it goes.
Let's just say I'm going for FA.
I should do some homework first.
I shall do homework until about 130pm or so.
And head for the gym.
Going to stay there for at least an hour.
30 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes or less of the bicycle thingy.
And some other exercises for different parts of my body after that.
Then, I'm going bathe, duh.
Hopefully I'll be done by 4pm.
And continue to do homework while watching tv.
Until probably 6/7pm.
Depending on what time FA actually starts.
After FA, it's just going to be me heading to bed.
Because I'm sure it'll end late again.
Case scenario number two is...
Continue doing homework while watching tv until late night.
Before heading to bed.
Unless Aly, Mualz and Va decides to go out or something.
Which I doubt will happen.
Since it's so hard to communicate with Mualz now!
I need to shop for heels.
Hm, I should buy online.
Aldo I mean.
Not some random ones.
After this banquet-shopping, it's no shopping for me for at least a couple of months.
Yup, no more shopping for me.
Oh wait, unless of course my parents are here.
When Daddy is here, he's going to get me my MBP!
I think I have decided on the 15" one.
I'm 90% sure that I want the 15" just because I want to watch my show.
The downside is that it's heavier and that it won't last as long as the 13" without charging it.
Hm, what should I do?
I'm confused.
Okiedokie, I shall start doing my homework now.
Math homework then English Essay and Finally Philosophy Essay.
Philosophy's not that important now because it's only due June 1st.
English Essay is due Monday, April 26.
And Math, well the online homework in due Tuesday I think, and the textbook homework is not even due.
But it's for my own good to do them because those are what will appear in the exam to kill me.
Hehe :)
Will blog again later lovelies.
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