Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Done with 3/4 of my English homework.
Out of the 12 questions, I did 9.
Going to do the other 3 tomorrow.
Shall treat it as a break from studying for Econs tomorrow.

Okay, going to do Math review now.
Have to print it out tomorrow in school.
Then I'm going to do hopefully all of the questions there.
Otherwise, MOST of them before the exam.

Just another 3 days of school before Spring break.
Can't wait for Friday to arrive.
San Francisco, here I come!
You're going to see me there for 5 whole days!
I can't wait for the chocolate tour we're going to attend on Monday morning.
SUPER excited.
It's going to be Mualz's first trip to San Francisco.
Shall take millions of photos there.
It's going to be a memorable one.

Yet another post.
My SEVENTH post, yes 7th, since I woke up.
Which is at about 9plus pm.
Which was only 3plus hours ago.


Okay, goodnight!
Shall not blog anymore!!
I mean, before I head to sleep later.
I do not wish to scare you readers away.
Okiedokie, will post again later (it's already past midnight!).
Probably at night.


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