Friday, April 30, 2010
Then I did the dishes... halfway.
I broke a bowl into half and received two cuts on both index fingers.
It hurts.
I ate so much.
2 slices of double fiber bread, one with a bit of rice chocolate.
Then a bit of the most awesome banana chips my sister bought from thai town.
And 4 mini oranges.
2 cups of green tea.
Still drinking green tea though.
And dajie's buying back food for me.
Not going to eat anything for dinner.
Not even fruits.
I better start doing my homework.
6Flags tomorrow.
Will blog again later! :D
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Resting for a bit before I hit the shower.
I told myself that I should really hit the gym because I'm fat.
I really have to start going to the gym AT LEAST twice a week.
So, let me see what did I do in the gym earlier on:
1) Inclined the treadmill to the highest at 15.0, and walked at 3.5-4.5 mph. (That's about 5.6-7.2 km/h. Hahahah.)
2) Then I biked/cycled for 5 minutes, I hate cycling but I did another 2 minutes before the end of my gym session.)
3) I did a total of 20 sit ups, I swear my tummy was crying for help.
4) I did more than 50 counts for different exercises for my legs.
Hm, what else did I do.
5) Oh, 10 push-ups.
6) Practiced my kicks for Taekwondo.
7) 20 thingy of my arms.
Eh I think that's it.
Quite little ah.
I did all of that in 45 minutes.
I took my own sweet time.
And I stopped because I felt light headed again.
Hm yeah, that's why I went up.
& for the fact that Jia scolded me to stop.
I will double all of my exercises the next time I head to the gym.
Hopefully tomorrow.
Tuesday & Wednesday - Taekwondo.
Thursday & Friday - Gym.
I'm killing myself.
Saturday's 6Flags!
Oh wait, I can gym on Saturday at night.
Hm, that sounds like a better idea.
I feel so sore from yesterday's Taekwondo.
Oh, let me tell you what was ONE round of the exercises that we did was.
So, he said it was a "taekwondo marathon".
For us, since we're new, we didn't have to do like 20 double kicks that the other people need to.
In the end, we had to do:
1) 10 push ups,
2) 10 sit ups (the one that you raise both arms and legs with no help from anyone at all),
3) 10 squats,
4) 10 360degree turns,
5) 10 jumps with knees raised to your chest, and finally
6) Suicides.
It sounds okay, but he timed us so obviously, we had to push ourselves to do them all as fast as we can.
I did one round of that and I felt like dying.
That's when my senior told me that I should not do the second round.
But I thought about it and felt that I shouldn't back out.
And that I should do my best.
I did it anyway.
Okay, I'm going to bathe now!
Or rather soon.
Just that I'm going to stop blogging now.
I will post again later I guess.
Oh, my heels are here.
And today my dress is here.
I am a super happy girl.
I'm going to try the dress on in a second.
Hold on!!
I love the dres.
You shall only see how it looks on me when the Banquet pictures are up!
I like my heels too.
Mommy's so cute.
She was like saying how she knew which one I'll pick out of the few dresses I showed her.
And she said she knows my taste.
Oh, and the other day..
She asked me to bbm my jie to ask where is she, then before that we're talking about me taking taekwondo and how she want me to take cooking&piano classes.
Then I told her, mommy, I want to take ballet & flute classes also, but so many.. I'll die.
Then Mommy went like "your jie so galak meh?"
I was confused.. "galak?? why?"
And she replied "ohhh, wrong info. i think I ask you to ask jie where is she and you answered i'll die".
Just because I am glad that it's the weekend!

OKAY, it's 645pm now.
9pm, I must gym!
I don't care how much my legs hurt.
I need to lose all of my fats.
It's the weekend so my blog will be quite alive.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Today is the day I died.
Well, kinda.
So, nothing interesting really happened in the afternoon.
Or rather, I'm too lazy to type out everything that happened.
I am a little off today.
So, don't mind me :)
I went to Taekwondo anyway.
Even though I know that I shouldn't since I was just... weird and not me today.
Hence, the result of...
1) Falling twice during the warming up exercises.
2) Feeling light headed.
3) Almost blacked out.
4) Couldn't breathe.
5) Legs were super jelly.
6) Looking pale.
7) Looked like I'm about to puke.
Number 6 and 7 were told by my senior and instructor respectively.
I think I shouldn't have went to do the exercise "marathon" for the second round.
My senior asked me not to do it.
But I thought I shouldn't back out from something halfway through.
Oh, something funny happened for the last 5 minutes of the class.
So, I was paired up with the instructor.
And we had to do the stretch where the other partner pushes your legs out to the side (side split) as far as you can.
But, obviously, the instructor pushed me a little harder.
He said I was doing good because I was quite flexible though.
That's sure one thing that kept me going.
However, he really pushed me to the point where I teared.
Oh wait, the moment where I almost cried wasn't that part.
It was when he was pulling me to the front.
It was so painful.
At the end of the stretching, he had to push my legs together because I just couldn't move it.
Like, it was there but the nerves are all dead and all.
I'm not even kidding you.
Reminded me of dance in MJR.
I mean, the stretching part had this.
But think about it as 91832018308731 worse.
I mean, hello, instructor was my partner!
Oh, then we had to change sides.
I told him "It's your turn now!"
And he told me that he was bad at this and he couldn't really do the side split fully.
Well, I pushed him like how he pushed my legs.
Hahah, and I pushed him a little harder just because he could be able to take it :)
*mean grin*
It was as painful as it is for him too because I could tell from his facial expression.
Haha, but it was fun.
Well, he was aching at the end of the thing too.
But but, the unfair thing was I probably stretched for 3 minutes.
Their side didn't even do it for like 2 minutes.
I was telling him "Hey! That's shorter than mine!"
And he was like "Was it?" while laughing.
So mean.
Well, he IS the instructor.
What to do right?
But he's so funny.
Oh, at the end of his stretching, I said "Do you need me to pull your legs back?"
And he's like "Yes please."
He's quite funny!
He's young, and was/is in the marines or something.
I cannot remember about that part.
But but he's not bad looking too!
There you go.
And I was walking down the stairs to my car.
I almost tripped.
I couldn't walk properly because that is how "jellied" my legs were.
But today's session was really training my muscles.
Which is awesome.
Oh, somehow only 10ish people showed up for class today.
And 3/4 of them were black belts.
Imagine how embarrassed I felt.
But it's okay, I'm doing pretty good for a white belt.
All of them started with being white belts anyway.
That's what I keep telling myself.
Okay, I am going to sleep REALLY soon.
I'm worn out.
I ate:
2 pieces of my double fiber bread in the morning.
A bowl of salad for lunch.
Baby carrots (raw) for munching before math class.
And 4 small oranges for dinner.
I need to work harder to cut down on my food intake.
Lose weight lose weight.
The list of food that I cannot take until May 16th.
1) Yogurtland
2) Boba
3) Crepes
4) Any high calorie food
5) Snacks
Okay, I should not have blogged about food.
Because I feel hungry now -_-
I need to lose weight FAST!
Ah, okay.
I want to sleep really soon.
Hair, please dry faster.
You always take so long to dry.
Am quite annoyed at something.
So I haven't been talking since I got home from Taekwondo.
Just not in the mood to.
Everything is screwed up these days.
Oh well.
I have to survive because this is one of the obstacles that I HAVE to face in life.
Hurdles, hurdles, obstacles, obstacles, hindrances, hindrances.
If you do not work through them, then you are dead pal.
You are dead.
That's life.
Working hard to pull through to the end.
Gah, okiedokie.
Will blog again tomorrow :)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I look so fat, but it's okay.
I like the photos that I'm seeing so far from Melvin.
I feel damn fat.
My erjie is so cute.
I tweeted "Fat fat fat" and she was like...
"You're not fat <3"
Okay, I just got home like 45 minutes ago.
Okay, probably 30 minutes ago.
I left the elevator and there was dajie and Hebron standing in front of me.
They asked me to follow them for a movie.
As much as I would like to go, I can't.
Homework time after I take my shower.
Suckage huh.
I'm going to bathe bathe bathe.
I will continue blogging later.
I will still have time to blog because it's only 915pm now.
Okayokay, hold on!!
Monday, April 26, 2010
My Facebook's profile picture, my blog's picture, MSN display picture & BBM's as well.
Today was fun.
Didn't have to drive to school.
I was all ready by 830am.
But they only arrived at 850am.
Because Aly overslept :p
Ate a total of 4 slices of bread today, a small bowl of salad, a pack of chips :p and yogurtland.
Eh, not a lot what!
I thought I ate a lot.
Not bad actually.
Oh, out of the 4 of us, Aly, Mualz, Va and myself..
2 of us didn't bring our wallet.
1 of us brought our wallet but with no cash and no card in it.
Leaving the last one standing to be our "sugar mama".
Stayed back from 5ish til 9pm.
Only completed 7.1 and chit-chatted throughout the rest of the time.
Section 5.3 & 5.4 = All graphing = Super lazy Caroline.
Eh, I don't know what to blog already.
I'm going to bathe and head for bed already.
Sisters are not home.
Dajie's at the movies.
Erjie's at her friend's I think.
Sigh, their lives versus mine.
Mine's such a boring one.
I'm super sleepy.
I'm going home after Philosophy class tomorrow.
Shall go to Ralphs and try to clean up the house a little.
Math at 3pm, and I've to rush home for swimming session with the girls.
Then Taekwondo after that.
Yay, calorie burning sessions tomorrow.
I feel fat.
Even though Aly and Mualz both commented I'm skinny.
Okay, I'm going to bathe now.
Be right back be right back be right back.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
I still have my 4 gym and 4 Taekwondo sessions to go for.
Oh, I totally forgot I was blogging.
I left my blogger there for 30 minutes.
Hahahaha, my bad.
As I was saying, 4 gym, 4 tkd, 1 swimming sessions so far.
For the next 16 days.
For the following 5 days after May 11th, I have 2 more tkd sessions, 1 tango class and I better gym 2 more times...
That and starving:
Hopefully I can lose 4kg-ish by May 16th :)
Can one lah.
Janet said she can lose 2kg a week if she starve.
I'm starving AND exercising.
No problemo!
Eh, I didn't know I look light leh.
I mean, I know lah.
Since no one can guess my weight.
Not even close to my weight.
Is that a good thing, or is that a bad thing huh?
I don't know man.
Oh, dajie bought 2 dresses online, but turns out that it's too big for her.
One's XXS from BCBG and one is size 0 from I don't remember which brand.
I can't believe I can fit into both dresses.
I know the reason why I can fit the XXS dress is because it's those cloth type.
Not like the dress I wore 3/4 years ago.
That dress is an XS and I can't fit.
And not this dress is an XXS and I can fit?
Something's very very very very wrong with these 2 dresses' sizing.
Random note: Asians speaking perfect English with US/UK/Australia accent is just so bloody weird. Hahahaha.
I'm stressing out over my grades.
Yes, I'm weird that way.
Shit lah.
I'm damn worried now.
Even though I still can get a 3.9 GPA overall, it's still not good enough.
And making it worse, I have, HAVE, to get an A for every class now.
It means 90 marks at least.
Help me.
Eh, I forgot that I'm not driving to school anymore.
I kinda miss driving to school already!
Hahaha, I'm so weird.
I kept complaning last week and now I'm complaning but about the complete opposite thing.
Eh, I just bought 2 heels online.
Aldo heels.
Hope it's going to come soon!
It's about time I got new heels.
The number of my heels to the number of my sister's heels...
Is just wow.
I mean my dajie.
Erjie is the type who hardly wear heels out so cannot really compare.
Oh, I just changed my blog time to Pacific time.
Means it's my time here.
I didn't change it before because I thought you guys would know what time is it there when I'm blogging.
But then again, what difference does it really make?
Caught up with a couple of friends yesterday.
Sigh, I miss Secondary School.
I want it back.
Okay, I feel guilty for not going to Church today.
But I had to do my essay :(
And I started a little on my other English homework which is due in June.
That's not bad right?
Starving mode with Aly starts now.
I'm going to brush my teeth soon even though it's only 812pm.
That's my one way of dieting too.
Eh, I don't know what to blog about already.
Things tend to be very dry and boring during the weekends.
It's supposed to be the very opposite.
But but, oh well.
My life is just different that way.
This weekend is my lazy weekend.
Don't feel like going anywhere.
Except yesterday's photoshoot and dinner.
Because I made them the promise that I'll go, so I can't back out.
On Friday, I didn't go FA.
Today, I didn't go to Church.
I'm feeling very very guilty.
I finally slept in today.
Woke up before it striked 12noon again though.
I've been waking up before 12noon for my 3 days weekend.
Normally, there is no doubt that I will still be in bed until the afternoon.
I think the early rising thingy is kicking in to me.
Good or bad?
I'll think about it.
Okay, I think I want to stop here right now.
I'm feeling very bored and sleepy and lazy and annoyed now.
Don't have the mood to gym.
I've started on my essay though.
150 words done.
850 words to go.
I'm kinda bored.
I'm watching Scooby Doo.
I want to do sit-ups.
Next week is hell week.
Nope, there's no exams or tests.
It's just an exercise week.
Tuesday itself, I'm going to swim and after that, head for Taekwondo straight away.
Thursday, I have Taekwondo again.
And of course, my gymming plan.
Might be hiking one day soon.
With the girls :)
Or cycle.
Ah, hectic weeks ahead.
I'm going to just die.
Okay, back to essay.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
I just woke up!
It's 11am.
And the "photoshoot" is at 2pm.
How to go to the gym.
Damn it.
Less than 3 hours.
Cyn have to fetch me because Dajie took the car.
So probably 2 hours ish left.
1 hour of bathing and preparing.
And if I'm going to the gym..
It's not going to be enough because I take my own sweet time!
I can kill myself.
Sit ups!!
I'm going to do some exercises on my own before I bathe.
Probably hula a little.
Haven't hula for quite some time since I watched this Taiwan Variety Show.
That said it's not good for your spine.
But once in a blue moon should be fine.
Hula, situps, crunches and a few others before I head for the shower.
I'm still confused on what to wear for later.
I might want to wear heels though.
I think it's going to be fun :D
Hehe, I hope so!
Friday, April 23, 2010
So, I'm re-watching this episode that I've watched before.
And I said the guy's name before the woman on screen said it.
"Kenneth Robertson"
Omgosh, my brain likes to remember those unimportant stuff.
Now you know what I mean huh.
So, tomorrow afternoon is just going to be fruits/bread.
Because tomorrow night I'm having dinner.
Is the photoshoot still on?
I hate last minute plans.
The photoshoot is still on...
So that means...
No gymming?
That's sad.
Oh wait, Cyn said it's going to be in the afternoon instead.
Means I can gym before heading out.
-End of editting-
18 days, 2 weeks and 4 days, until May 11th.
23 days, 3 weeks and 2 days, until May 16th.
In 18 days, I must at least gym 4 times.
Hopefully more than that.
And 4 Taekwondo sessions, excluding May 11th's class.
In the following 5 days, I must gym at least one or two more times.
And I have two more of my Taekwondo sessions.
Add all that with dieting, I will definitely lose weight..
I hope so.
*fingers crossed*
Oh btw, remember how I was complaining my computer can be thrown off my balcony because it was super slow?
And how my MSN suck and won't sign in.
And how slow my Internet Explorer was being?
Apparently it's not my laptop.
It's my internet connection.
Because my sister's laptop did the same thing.
So she restarted the whole broadband/modemn thingy.
And it's working well now.
Sorry laptop.
I accused you.
My bad.
Oh, I think I'm becoming more feminine.
Or maybe bimbotic.
I used to be not scared of height at all!
And now I'm kinda scared.
But not to the point that I will scream for my life.
I'll still ride rollercoasters.
Just for the Adrenaline Rush :)
AND AND, I used to be not scared of horror films!
Now I'm kinda scared leh.
What happened to me man.
Okay, I very lazy to continue updating.
I'm becoming a blog whore.
Not going to be like this soon.
Don't worry.
This is just a temporary thing :)
Watching Iron Chef now.
No more Criminal Minds marathon.
I've watched the next episode that they are showing now before.
Okay, I'm just going to watch and chat on MSN.
And check out Facebook.
Not. Going. To. Blog. Anymore.
I'm going to sleep soon :)
10 Oranges and a Banana.
Btw, just to let you guys know, it's not those big oranges.
It's like those Oranges that you can get during CNY period.
The small Oranges.
Those yummy seedless small tiny Oranges!
Hehehe, I'm going to be alone at home tonight.
I shall gym at night instead then.
Probably going at 8pm?
It's 630pm now.
When night falls, my laziness on the meter rises like crazy.
So I'm not going to make any promises that I will go to the gym tonight.
But if I really end up not going to the gym, I'll just do sit up, no matter how painful it would be.
I'm watching The Biggest Loser.
I feel skinny.
Is that be feeling bad?
I think so.
Shit, I'm hungry.
I did it for 7 hours.
But can I survive the next 5/6 hours of starving?
I should brush my teeth.
But but, my poor tummy :(
EH I don't care already.
I'm going to eat something.
Maybe cereal.
I'm too hungry -_-
Too hungry to be true.
But nevermind right????
Just took 3/4 of a bowl of cereal (Special K's Chocolate Delight) with some Chocolate milk.
My dinner.
That's my dinner!
Eh, the milk not that nice.
I'm quite disappointed.
I should have just had the cereal itself.
Increase my calorie intake.
Good for my bones...
Eh how, I'm done with the bowl.
But now I'm munching on cereal.
Eh, I'm not going to the gym already.
I'm damn sleepy.
And lifeless now.
I might even sleep super ultra early tonight.
Shall just do sit ups after my sister leave for CG tonight.
Her CG sounds fun.
Just board games and more games for tonight.
But I'm not following even though she invited me to.
Because like I just said, I'm too sleepy to do anything..
Boring Friday.
Tomorrow's Saturday.
Have plans for tomorrow.
I think photoshoot thingy.
Afternoon MIGHT be shopping.
After that is GNO, Girls Night Out.
Having dinner with a few of the girls :)
That'll be fun.
Resting day is just for today.
Might do homework again at night before heading to sleep.
Eh how.
I'm munching now.
Will not eat anything 3 hours before I sleep.
Ate so much.
1 Banana and a total of 8 Oranges.
Banana = 120-140 Calories.
8 Oranges = 40 x 8 Calories.
Total Calories = 440-460 Calories.
But the total amount of Dietary Fiber is not bad.
Banana = 14-16%
8 Oranges = 8 x 8%
Total percentage of DF = 78% - 80%.
Not bad huh.
Okay, enough food for the day.
I think.
I'm not FA tonight.
I'm going to stay home.
Haven't stay home on a Friday for a long time.
Well, not entirely my fault.
I'm eating a banana now.
& I took 4 Cuties (mini Oranges) too.
Late Brunch.
I would say today's diet is quite a success!
Wouldn't you?
Banana down and eating an orange now.
This was typed 5 minutes after I started this post.
Meaning I took a couple of minutes to eat one banana.
How slow can I get!
I haven't start on my English to btw.
And my sister is not home.
It's 347pm.
So in conclusion, I only got my online homework done.
And wrote down the questions for the textbook homework on my foolscap paper.
And I just finished the 4 oranges.
I took 15 minutes -_-
Even I am amazed at the rate of me chowing my food down my throat.
Eh, I forgot I'm blogging.
I was looking at different recipes, choosing which one is the best to make Sweet Potato Fries.
Okay, I feel guilty eating those Oranges and that Banana.
Eh, I want to rot now.
I'm going to lie down on the sofa.
And probably do situps and crunches later.
Just to make sure I feel less guilty eating and that I didn't go to the gym...
I have to stop blogging man.
I'm becoming such a blog whore now.
Okiedokie, see you.
In like 2 hours.
I'm hooked to blogging.
Anyway, my sister is not back at it's freaking 230pm!
And and, I'm too lazy to do the textbook math homework because it's all graphing.
Ah, I've been watching my food network.
Haven't watch the food network channels shows in a long row for quite some time now.
Eh, I'm so sleepy.
Shut eye for a couple of minutes.
Rest my eyes from looking at the laptop and tv.
And homework!
I haven't consume anything since I woke up 3.5 hours ago.
Except for 3/4 cups of Green Tea with a hint of Brown Rice in it.
Let's see how my whole day pans out.
I think I'll eat fruits later after gymming.
But if I go for FA, I'll have to eat :(
Oh no.
It's 3pm!
Dajie's not back!
She's supposed to be out for a short while only :(
She said she's only going to buy something and come back home.
Anyway, my computer is being just an annoying thing of thing.
I can't open two tabs at once because nothing will just work at its normal speed.
It's all laggy.
And I think I just found out the reason why it's being so irritating.
I don't have enough space in my memory :p
So now I'm transferring my pictures and all to my harddrive.
And I'm going to delete all of them on my computer.
So that I'll have much more space.
And that my computer won't be such a snail anymore.
Gah, I'm dying.
If I'd known my sister would take such a long time, I would have had a banana or something just now.
Only can gym one hour after eating.
So so, how!?
Should I eat something?!
Or not!?
Deleted 6GB worth of pictures.
More than a thousand pictures.
Duh, SF trip already have almost a thousand.
And I had to delete another 3 albums I think.
Yup, hopefully it'll work better now.
My laptop I mean.
Okiedokie, I shall start on my essay, rather than staring at my Math textbook.
Well, hopefully starving will work.
It better work :(
Drank 2 sips of Green Tea and my tummy is not rumbling anymore.
That's a good sign right?
Will most likely head to the gym in 35 minutes.
At 130pm.
FA's at 730pm tonight.
Should I go?
I don't know know if I'm going.
Jie just asked me if I'm going out today.
Is she bringing me out somewhere today?
I haven't been out with her for a while now.
Oh, she just asked me to go EAT with me.
And buy some stuff.
No thank you then.
I have to starve :(
Will probably go out with her another day.
It's just that I ate so much yesterday that I"m feeling SO damn guilty now.
Eh, I have keropok right in front of me.
Since 3-4 days ago actually.
And I haven't touch it.
I'm proud of myself.
Okiedokie, back to Math now.
Oh my god, I just realized I didn't publish my post.
Anyway, I'm done with my online homework.
Can't do 6 marks worth of questions.
90/96, that's not bad already.
I just don't want to waste my last or last two submission and get it wrong.
I want a 100% thank you very much.
Okiedokie, jie just left.
Now I can't go to the gym!
I need the fob.
I've to wait for her to come back.
Oh well, shall do more homework then.
Hold on.
Checking the weather for Erjie.
My laptop is so screwed up.
I can throw it awayyyyy.
Okay, I'm going to add more boiling water for my GT!
Yay for GT.
Okiedokie, homework again.
Nerd in the house today.
OH, I think that people in Singapore like HAZIQAH should blog more often.
Since I'm blogging so much recently, she should too!!
Janet too!
And and Verna should totally open a new blog just to let me read about her life!
Sorry for the lack of bbm-ing you guys recently.
Been busy driving to school, having class, doing homework, freting over school stuff, driving here and there and finally home.
And because I'm a safe driver, I only check my phone when I'm at the red light.
So don't blame me if I opened your bbm and did not reply.
Hehe, it just simply means that I'm driving.
I hope Dajie come back soon.
I'm getting sleepy -_-
Okay, I'm going to rest until 130pm.
And start my textbook math homework until my dajie gets home.
THEN go to the gym.
See you see you see you.
Left with 30% of it.
It's due Tuesday so I'm going to get that out of the way.
It's awesome how I'm almost done with it sooner than I expected it to be.
Do I make sense?
Don't think so.
Okiedokie, a two minutes break for my eyes.
And I'm on my way to complete it.
I shall make tea now.
Shall try to starve today.
Yay me.
Wondered when did I start spouting all those vulgarities again.
I used to do that, but not this often.
In upper secondary, I don't even say much of it.
Unless I'm super duper pissed or something.
And Leonard would always ask me to "Mind your language" as he would say.
Now, I'm just someone who says it when I feel like it I believe.
I should stop myself from cussing once again.
I'm going to be a demure person.
I will and I must achieve that.
So, I slept for about 10.5 hours last night.
I slept at 0030 I think and woke up at 11am.
Woke up at 10am but I made myself sleep for another hour.
Just because I have planned to wake up at 11am in my head.
I'm just weird like that.
But hey, you guys like reading my weird posts!
It's 1147am now.
I watched a bit of tv just now.
And I was trying to plan the rest of my day.
I think I only have about 7-8 hours left before heading for FA.
I don't even know if I'm going tonight.
Let's see how it goes.
Let's just say I'm going for FA.
I should do some homework first.
I shall do homework until about 130pm or so.
And head for the gym.
Going to stay there for at least an hour.
30 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes or less of the bicycle thingy.
And some other exercises for different parts of my body after that.
Then, I'm going bathe, duh.
Hopefully I'll be done by 4pm.
And continue to do homework while watching tv.
Until probably 6/7pm.
Depending on what time FA actually starts.
After FA, it's just going to be me heading to bed.
Because I'm sure it'll end late again.
Case scenario number two is...
Continue doing homework while watching tv until late night.
Before heading to bed.
Unless Aly, Mualz and Va decides to go out or something.
Which I doubt will happen.
Since it's so hard to communicate with Mualz now!
I need to shop for heels.
Hm, I should buy online.
Aldo I mean.
Not some random ones.
After this banquet-shopping, it's no shopping for me for at least a couple of months.
Yup, no more shopping for me.
Oh wait, unless of course my parents are here.
When Daddy is here, he's going to get me my MBP!
I think I have decided on the 15" one.
I'm 90% sure that I want the 15" just because I want to watch my show.
The downside is that it's heavier and that it won't last as long as the 13" without charging it.
Hm, what should I do?
I'm confused.
Okiedokie, I shall start doing my homework now.
Math homework then English Essay and Finally Philosophy Essay.
Philosophy's not that important now because it's only due June 1st.
English Essay is due Monday, April 26.
And Math, well the online homework in due Tuesday I think, and the textbook homework is not even due.
But it's for my own good to do them because those are what will appear in the exam to kill me.
Hehe :)
Will blog again later lovelies.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
I bought the black&white one because they said I shouldn't outshine my graduating sister if I bought the red one.
Oh well.
I'm so fucking fat!!

How much fatter I grew since 3/4 years ago!?
That is super insane.
Fuck it man.
I thought the dress was a size 2.
It's a freaking XS from BCBG.
I used to be a XS!!
And now?
S or M.
I'm going to starve now.
The things that I am goin to eat tomorrow.
Are going to be..
- 2 slices of bread,
- Max 2 bananas,
- Oranges,
- Yogurt/Milk.
- Tea.
Maximum intake of calories shall just be 500 calories.
From now until May 11th.
Include gymming, taekwondo and tango in that.
And be the XS I used to be!!
I don't give a shit about what you want to say about me.
I'm going to sleep very soon, so I shall bid you guys goodnight.
Night lovelies.
But, today = dieting FAIL.
Well, just for today!
I promise.
So, Aly and I went out after Philo class.
For the first time!
Went to Saks Fifth Avenue at Rodeo Drive.
Was given all-day free validation by this woman working there.
But we only stayed for one hour-ish.
Firstly, we went to the woman's clothes building.
Turns out the evening dresses are on the 5th floor of men's clothes building.
We crossed the road.
Went over.
Got lost a little.
Looked at the super little amount of dresses that they had available.
Took a handful to try.
Just for fun of it.
We looked like Chinese dancers, server and I don't know what else.
Hehehe, the ones that I liked, the 3 of them.
Are ALL not available at the stores.
So I have to get them online.
The good thing about it is that I can return it to the stores if I don't like it.
We decided to have lunch.
Soup Plantation.
Just because Aly have never tried that and that I have to get home to take change for hiphop class.
First time eating so much there.
I'm not even kidding.
Omgosh, never going with Aly ever again.
Hahahah, kidding.
So, after we're done with filling our stomach to the extent that it's about to explode any second....
We played with the food...
I know we're not supposed to.
But we did anyway.
Super sick.
And Aly tried half a spoon of the horrible mixture that we created.
But, she said that it's not that bad actually.
Oh well, now you know what kind of friends I hang out with.
The weird ones :P
I'm kidding Aly.
I love youuuuu.
But I secretly hate you at the same time!
I'm sure you know that.
Went back to school for Math.
It was kinda fun today.
Only for the first 2 minutes.
We sang Happy Birthday to our Professor.
And stuff.
Then I went over to Mualz's house to chill for an hour.
And off to Hiphop class I go.
Truthfully, I prefer Studio Wu's class back in Singapore.
I don't really like this teacher.
Probably will look for another class or something.
It's like...
In Singapore, for every 8 counts they teach you, they'll really teach you until you got the 8 counts perfect before continuing right?
This teacher just simply show you the moves 2-3 times.
And off you go.
There's no teaching in the class.
That's the part where I dislike the most.
And especially since it's my first time, I really thought that she should at least show me or something.
Not a really good first impression.
*Starts to look for another Hiphop class*
I was thinking.
I think I'm just going to concentrate of different dances.
Like Tango, Salsa and Ballet.
I want and need to be more feminine.
Aside from Taekwondo of course.
Okiedokie, next story of the day...
Went to fetch Va after Hiphop.
Rushed down to Century City.
Caught the movie "How To Train Your Dragon" in 3D.
Together with Aly too.
It. Is. Super. Duper. Uber. Awesome.
I am desperate to have Night Fiery as my pet now.
(I'm such a cuckoo, I almost typed "Fiery" as "Diety" because I moved my hands a button to the left. Which screwed everything up. If you know what I mean."
For those who haven't had the chance to watch it, you better go find a videostore or go download online or something.
You cannot miss this movie!
At first I thought it'll be stupid.
But no, it's really THAT good!!
-abrupt end-
Oh, did I mention Aly and I were so lucky in the morning again?
We got a space at about 910ish.
So we chilled in the car until 920am before heading for class.
And when I came back in the afternoon, I parked at the exact SAME spot!
How cool is that.
Oh well.
Hm, what else happened today..
Let me see....
OH, food.
First was 2 slices of bread in the morning.
(To prevent gastric!)
Then it was Souplantation, or what I call Souppie.
Salad, a super small portion and I really mean small portion of pasta, 2 cups of soup that I didn't finish, and one blueberry muffin which is awesome.
And a bit of ice cream.
After that, we had a medium popcorn to share for the 3 of us during the movie.
Total calories: infinite.
I'm dead.
And my only solution for tomorrow is to gym.
Yes, I've been saying this for ages and ages and ages.
But I'm going to make sure I really gym by hunting for my tennis shoes and place it outside so that I wouldn't have any excuses to not go to the gym anymore.
And and for the fact that I have to fit into my dress perfectly.
With my hopefully-I'll-achieve-by-then figure.
I'm quite happy.
I can fit into the size 2 dresses.
Duh, my jeans are size 2.
And that size 4 is too big for me.
I think when I first came here.
I grew into a size 4.
I'm glad that I can say goodbye to that forever now.
Now it's time to move on to a size 0 :)
Okay, I'm only going to wash up and bathe tomorrow instead.
I am sooooo glad!
And for the fact that I do not have to drive to school anymore!
Okiedokie, I'm going to wash up, wash my face, brush my teeth, wear my retainers, remove contacts, apply eye cream, wear my specs, watch a little tv, and go to sleep.
Tomorrow's plan is simple.
Gym, start on 1000 words essay, start on Philosophy essay and another essay on Yoga class, and do a little Math.
I have the whole day.
Unless Mualz decide to really go hiking....
It's so hard to contact her now that I don't know what's our plan anymore.
Hehe, okiedokie, will probably blog some random thing later again.
See ya lovelies.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
I like listenig to my Chinese songs so I put on my CD when I'm alone.
My Chinese CD.
Then, the moment I see them walking to my car while I'm waiting for them at the basement, I'll change the disc to the English one.
Aly always say it's okay and ask me not to change but I feel bad because it'll only be me singing to the songs that is blasting from the speakers.
I'm only blogging now because of Aly -_-
I wanted to blog later on.
But since she's bored and she insist that I do one entry right now.
Well, here you go.
She wanted me to blog about everything.
"Everything" - Done!!
Okay, so lame.
Let's see.
I woke up at 745am today and I wanted to sleep more because I was so damn tired.
But I obviously couldn't.
I reached Aly's & Mualz's at 825am-ish.
And waited for them to come down, as usual :)
It's okay, it's karma.
You guys had to wait for me too!
Next time, next week onwards, it's your turn to wait for me again!
I'm really excited about not driving to school anymore.
Today's parking.
Wasn't as lucky as before.
But I found one at 925am.
5 minutes before class started.
The thing about the space I got was that..
It was damn bloody ass small!!
Mualz had to get down first.
It was fine when I was getting off...
But then, when it came to taking my bag and books from the back seat...
It was like I was doing yoga/ballet or whatever thingy thingy.
Mualz was laughing so hard.
She wanted to take a photo and post it somewhere I guess.
Thankfully, she did not have her phone!!
That reminds me.
Have to take extra phone for Mualz.
It is the hardest thing to do now for Aly, Va and I - Contacting Mualz.
Okay, hm, I don't know what else to blog about.
Oh, Aly and I might go to Saks Fifth Avenue tomorrow.
To look at the dresses that we liked online :)
After that I'll decide which one I really want to get.
And before actually purchasing it, of course, take a picture and ask Mommy through BBM!
Yay, from 11am until about 2pm.
3 hours plus of shopping.
So totally enough...
Okay, probably not when your shopping partner is Aly!
Hm, after class today...
We went for Taekwondo.
Oh, let me backtrack.
We had our Math quiz today.
I missed out a few negative signs.
Which sucks.
The thing is, we had 5 questions as extra credit.
It was..
How well do you know your professor?
First question was asking what's his first name.
Second was what did he major in.
And which school did he attended.
Fourth was what is his office room number.
And lastly which year was he born in.
Okay, yeah, I only got one right and was so close for 2 other questions.
Lost 4 points just like that!!
Oh well.
Okay, back to Taekwondo.
First time with an actual class.
Yesterday's was only a trial class with the master and one of his black belts.
Well, today's was much more embarrassing.
It was not that hard.
It's just that, we were placed at the last row, and when we did our exercises.
We just felt all of their eyes staring at us.
And somehow I could feel them laughing at us.
Maybe they did not, but who knows what are they thinking inside?
I just told myself not to look at them and do the exercises the best that I could.
And that they were once white belts too.
They did not get to their whatever-colour-belts they are just as they stepped into the Taekwondo world.
Dream on.
I think I'm becoming more thick-skinned.
This is bad.
After that Mualz and I went to Yogurtland to get yogurts for ourselves, Aly and her sister.
We headed back and chilled at Mualz's until about 850pm.
When we decided to go to Ralphs.
We were doing some pretty funny gestures and movements while doing our shopping.
It was cracking me up so bad.
I think we filled the whole Ralphs with our laughter.
I am not even kidding.
I decided to make mashed potatoes one day.
So I bought the potatoes and garlic.
And I really wanted to experiment and make my own sweet potato fries.
I bought them as well.
I also purchased cereal, my double-fiber bread and oranges!
I got home, I decided to leave my Math book & homework and my Philosophy notebook in the car.
Just because I'm too lazy to bring it up tonight.
And bring it back down in the morning.
Oh well.
No homework to be done for Math except the online homework.
So I'll just do that later on.
I'm going to sleep really really soon.
I need my sleep.
Okay, then then, I found out my sister's sick.
She was all fine yesterday.
Her voice is so eeek now.
I don't know what am I talking about.
Pardon me.
I shall cook porridge for her tomorrow.
Or the next day...
Or something.
Okiedokie, Aly, Mualz and I might skip CG/FA.
And we shall ask Va to do the same thing too!
We really want our shabu2 night to happen!
I want to change my major to Culinary.
Get an AA Degree for it.
THEN get a Masters for Business.
I think I would very much prefer that than what I'm doing now.
This sucks.
Unless I take Bachelor&Masters for Business.
AND AA Degree for Culinary.
But that's just a waste of time.
I'll just check with Le Corden Bleu if they accept for Fall.
(After discussing with Mommy and Daddy of course)
And if they don't, I'll go ahead and continue Business.
And do AA/Bachelor for Culinary after that.
We'll see.
Okiedokie, I'm going to bathe now.
It's 1030pm.
And I shall sleep before the clock strikes midnight!
Goodnight lovelies.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
I was freaking out for a good 10 minutes.
But I'm fine now.
Dajie's reaction to it made me feel better.
Anyway, I just reached home not long ago.
I'm going to bathe now.
And it's 1012pm.
I haven't do my English.
So I'm screwed.
I better do it and sleep before 12midnight.
So, I was super lucky today morning.
A spot was literally waiting for me to fill.
I was looking at this guy who seemed to be coming out (but he didn't), from my rear mirror.
Then I look straight and wondered to myself.
Why is that shadow there particularly bright?
So I drove up a bit, and there it was!
An empty place just for me.
Yeah, so Aly and I were early.
Parked at 9am.
We chilled in the car for 20 minutes before heading for class.
After class, chilled with Cynthia, looking at dresses online.
And went to do a little homework.
Then Aly came back from her lunch from Art Institute.
And we went back to the computer area to look at the dresses again.
I'm still stuck from the black&white dress, the red dress and the black&pink dress.
I would be so grateful if you guys could comment about which is THE one that I should get and wear for the USC Banquet.
Thank you very much.
Then after Math class, Mualz and I went to check out the Taekwondo place.
It's pretty small.
But it's really nice.
We had our first trial class.
It was really fun.
He said it wouldn't be a problem for us because we got our basics.
He didn't believe us when we said we have never learnt martial arts before in our lives.
That was quite a compliment.
Well, he said that Mualz was stronger.
While I was the more flexible one.
Eventually before we left, he said that Mualz is more coordinated.
And that I need to get rid of my feminine side.
(Apparently I am too feminine huh)
It's so funny because when he asked us to do push-ups.
I just blurted out that I could not do it.
Well, I can't!
I can never do push-up in Singapore.
But well, I went down and tried to do it.
And he was like "You're doing it!"
I was quite amazed at myself.
He said that he's going to get rid of those kind of thoughts for me.
Everything and anything is possible.
So, we decided that we really want to take TKD.
Because it's quite fun.
And so we signed up for it straight away.
6 months is the minimum.
I think it's quite okay.
There's the 1 year one but I'll see how it goes after the first 6 months.
He also said that next month, May something, there's an exam.
The exam where you take to see if you are able to advance to the next belt.
He said he believe by then Mualz and I can go to the Yellow belt.
I feel so lousy at this point.
I'm only at White belt..
Oh well, it takes time!
And he said if we crank up our 2 sessions/week to 3 sessions/week in the future, we can get our Black belt in 2-3 years.
That is IF we're that committed.
Thursday's going to be Hiphop with Cynthia and Mikka I think.
I'm thinking if I should go add more classes because I really want to learn more stuff.
If there's a will, there's a way right?
Next up is Tango, Ballet, Piano and Flute.
Those are the main ones that I really want to learn in life.
Hm, I shall go call the Ballet place up.
This 4 weeks is going to be a tough one for me.
I'm pushing myself to the limit.
Studying, doing homework, Taekwondo, Hiphop, Tango and hopefully Gym.
All because of the Banquet.
Yeah, if there's a goal, there is just enough force in me to drive myself to reach it.
There you go.
Now you know something else about me.
Oh, not forgetting our dieting of course.
Aly, Cyn, Mualz and myself are actually doing quite well.
Not eating like food food.
We only ate like salad, carrots, (my wheat bread for me), and yogurt.
Maybe yogurt is the sinful one there.
But hey, we're doing good here.
I believe that in 4 weeks.
We can definitely, without a doubt, duhhhh, lose weight!
Especially with the help of TKD.
I know I'm new, but hey, being new doesn't mean that they won't push us.
And that we won't sweat!
I'm looking forward to next week because I won't have to drive to school.
Sorry for being so random.
Wait, why am I apologising on my own blog?
Well, something's wrong with the car.
Somehow the "Service Engine Soon" light is back on.
I told my sister maybe it's because I hit the bump in the school parking lot.
(By the way, it's not that I don't know how to drive, no matter how slow I get, and I really mean slow to the extent that it may even be called stopping, sometimes (rarely) I still hurt the bump, I don't know why!! I'm so annoyed...)
I'm just going to ignore it this time.
I just sent you in for servicing man.
Don't screw up on me now.
Maybe it's because this car is getting old.
Since 4 years ago I think.
That's long.
Eh, I'm really confused.
I don't know which dress to buy.
Look at how indecisive I am!
I think, THINK, I have decided to get the 15" for MBP.
But now it's a different thing to scratch my head about.
I really like all 3.
I'm so confused.
The black&white one is the most expensive: $350.
The red one is super slightly cheaper: $345.
The black&pink one is the cheapest, duh: $308.
But that's without the discount which is 20% by the way.
So it's going to be about...
$280, $276 and $246.40.
That's in US Dollars btw.
I really like all of them.
Okay, I'm going to bathe now.
It's already 1033pm.
Homework to do homework to do.
Monday, April 19, 2010
I'm going dress hunting online with Aly tomorrow!!
Okay, seriously, byebyebye!
And after Mommy, Daddy, Popo, Kungkung goes back on May 30th...
It's eating, eating and more eating!
Aly, Mualz and Va, we better tick those boxes of our lists!
It's only expanding as time passes.
Nothing's done!!
1) Baby Blue's Bar-B-Q
2) Boiling Crab
3) Lugi Hotpot Fest
4) Tancang
5) Ruen Pair
6) California Sushi Factory
7) Lee Kam Kee
8) TofuYa
9) Tofu House
11) Ruth Chris's
12) Jazz Cat
13) Mama's Kitchen
14) Sri Siam
15) Mitsuwa
I don't know what else already.
Gain weight after Banquet.
Oh and I haven't cook!!
Hehehe, I love cooking recently.
And we shall FINALLY karaoke!!
And of course Newton Circus in Singapore!
WOO, can't wait for the end of the Spring semester.
Now it's Criminal Minds that's on TV.
Oh, Daddy was asking if I got my MBP.
I told him no.
And told him it's a wiser decision to just wait 3 weeks for him to come.
And he can get me the MBP instead.
Daddy's so cute.
He said just get it now, I don't know why he's pushing me to buy like NOW NOW NOW, and he said, at the same time, get an iPad because it's fun.
Awww, thank you Daddy!
I'll wait for you to come and decide if I really want one :)
I think I burped almost a hundred times within the last.... 35 minutes.
Guess what are we doing?
Chatting, watching TV, and planning about what to do tomorrow.
My tummy is filled with air.
I'm not kidding you.
I really don't know what to wear for the banquet.
Oh, I just ordered my check book.
Okiedokie, see you.
24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24.
I've 4 hours to do homework tomorrow anyway.
Or rather 2 hours.
I'm so sleepy.
& it's only 815pm.
Can't sleep now because my hair is still wet.
Watching House now.
And 24 is on next.
Jie just left home for dinner because someone is going back for good tomorrow.
It sucks how all of my dajie's friends are going back because I'm so close to them.
End of April, a couple are going back I think.
May, a huge handful of them are going back.
Aw man.
Okay, brb, going to put my mask on now!
Okay, back with a mask on my face that I'm scared will slip if I look straight at my tv and my laptop monitor screen.
So I'm tilting my head in a 45degree angle.
So, I know I said to a lot of people that I'm not those type who spends alot.
And you know what, it's true!
I may seem to be in a shopping mood now.
But after this spree, you won't see me shop again for months.
Hm, I need to buy:
1) USC Banquet Dress.
3) Heels - Black, Cream, White, Gray those neutral colours.
4) Shorts.
5) Loose Tops.
6) Accessories.
7) Flats.
8) Boots - no heels kind.
Okay, that's it.
The most expensive one is going to be the USC Banquet Dress.
I shall budget myself.
Mualz's budget is about $100.
Mine shall be a little higher.
I think they're right about us only wearing it once, or the most twice.
Why spend so much money right?
Save money Caroline!
I think I'm going to buy a lot of Aldo heels.
I like that brandddd :)
And it's not THAT expensive.
I might go find cheaper ones.
Let me find photos of the heels that I like.
I can't copy and paste the pictures of the heels from the website so you can click the links that
I'm going to post below.
I obviously don't want so many.
But I'm just looking at the website now for the next 12 minutes.
And oh my, there's so many nice ones.
Even though most look the same.
I like both the black and the cream.
I love both colours! :D
The colour is just, wow!
Cannot get BCBG dresses because heard it's the most popular brand people will get.
And you wouldn't want to end up wearing a same dress as someone else.
Ahhh, we have to consider our body because we're not that skinny as the models.
Gah, that sucks.
Oh well.
Hm, I'm just browsing through Saks's online website.
And the few dresses that I like:




Okay, enough of this.
It's already 908pm.
Going to start homework now.
Will update more whenever I can :D
Yes, I said I won't eat at all - the definition of starving.
But I did.
I don't want my gastric to come back.
Once it does, it's going to be such a hassle.
Didn't go to the gym also.
Planned to go from 6-7pm so that I can do my Math homework.
But I ended up going out with Mualz.
To AT&T, Yogurtland and sending her back to school.
I just reached home 30 minutes ago, at 630pm.
Yay, failed gymming plan.
As usual.
What I ate for today:
Breakfast - 2 slices of bread.
Lunch - 2 slices of bread, about 5 small thingys of Va's snack, 3 thin slices of apple, and about 5 sticks of baby carrots.
Dinner - Yogurtland! (My cup was 1/3 full with yogurt; the healthy ones: Strawberry, Plain and the not-so healthy: coffee. The rest of the cup was filled to the brim with fruits: Mango, Strawberry, Pineapple, Lychee. & a little contrast: Peanuts, Almonds & Choc Chip.)
*The bread I eat is those with Double Fiber.
To make me not have constipation.
Then I bought 2 packs of my Brown Rice Tea with a hint of Matcha from Nijiya.
I butt-parked twice today.
Both were quite straight.
I'm quite happy with myself.
*Note to self: Go on the freeway at least 10 times before May 11th!
I need to find dress for the USC Banquet.
Hence the dieting with Aly and Mualz.
Needless to say, Aly the crazy ass one didn't eat anything except carrots.
Yup, those baby carrots that I stated above..
I stole from her.
Mualz and I still ate a bit.
But but, Aly just blogged that she snacked!
& her snacks are keropok.
Lebih parah yah Aly!!
Hahahahah :D
And it goes without saying how our dieting plan only partly worked.
Because, well, we didn't really eatttt.
But we backed out on our plans to exercise.
Aly didn't go spinning.
& I didn't end up at the gym.
Okay, dieting goes on for the next 4 weeks.
Except next week!
Yes Alyssa, Friday next week, SHABUSHABU.
It's going to be Meat Day at Nijiya and we should pamper ourselves.
So so, tomorrow Mualz and I are going to go drop by the Taekwondo place.
Then on Wednesday, Aly, Mualz and I are going to watch movie after class.
Thursday is going to be another movie session but this time with Va after her class ends!
Probably shopping in the afternoon with Aly since she've no class after 930am, and I have a 4 hours break!
Friday's going to be another dress-hunting with Mualz, Va and myself.
Aly's mom is still here so she can't make it.
This sucks because Saks Fifth Avenue is having a 20% sale now.
That ends on Thursday.
Thursday is the collection/pick-up day.
And I've things going on until Thursday!
And all of the dresses I saw online so far are all on Saks!
I am annoyed.
We have 3 Saturdays coming up before my parents come.
This Saturday... Mualz want to hike the Santa Monica Mountain.
(I didn't even know there was a mountain at SM.)
Next Saturday is going to be.. I don't know.
Since Mualz have AGS event the whole day.
The following Saturday, 8 of May, is going to be 6Flags!!
We're going to celebrate Va's birthday at 6Flags with a lot of people coming along.
And we're going to make everyone go up on the rides.
We don't care if they are scared of height or not.
It's for the adrenaline rush!
And we'll probably get so crazy that we just want to stay in 6Flags forever and ever.
I don't know what to blog anymore.
Okay, going to calm myself down because I've been through this phase in the morning.
I was pissed and cussing for 30 minutes I think.
Then I decided not to be so angry because I do not want wrinkles.
Hehe :)
Okay, it's 727pm!!
Going to bathe now!
And start homework at 8pm hopefully..
2 hours of Math homework.
And it's time to do facial mask!
I need to pamper myself after a morning of being irritated.
Then I'm going to sleep at latest 11:59pm.
Anytime before the clock strikes 00:00!
Okiedokie, bathing time.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Did not do Math (the book) assignment.
I'm such a loser.
Today's Baptism Session was very funny.
Like, before it actually started.
We changed the venue 3 times.
Ended up at the beach.
The waves were so strong I was so scared dajie would be swept away.
Ate so much today.
-2 Slices of Bread, Double Fiber.
-A Japanese Bento (Chicken Cutlet Curry, did not finish & Soba, finished, but both small sizes).
-A few chocolates.
-Snacked a bit.
-4 Oranges.
-KC Jasmine Milk Green Tea Boba, Large.
-KC Hot Nutella Crepe.
Yup, that's what I ate for today.
You know why?
Tomorrow marks the day of our SERIOUS diet.
Aly, Mualz and I.
For USC Banquet which is exactly 4 weeks away from today.
Mualz is so funny.
She didn't know it was THE event of the year.
And she wanted to wear jeans.
We're going to go shopping together.
Dress hunting.
Heels hunting.
Hunting for all the necessary things for the banquet.
It's going to be so fun.
Quite sad that Va cannot come along because my sister's guest list for the family table is full.
She was quite :/ when I asked her to add Aly in the list actually.
Because she wasn't sure which Aly was it.
Alyssa V. A. or Alyssa Wee.
Well, problem solved.
Alyssa V. A. is going to be at my family table together with Mualz.
I am so terribly sorry Va :(
Ng cukup tmpt dudukny.
Aq jd ng enak bgt loh..
Next time yah..
4 weeks.
To lose AT LEAST one dress size.
I want to be a size 0.
I think I'm between a 2 and a 4 now.
I'm so fat.
I think I'm a 2.
Because I can fit into my size 2 jeans.
Need. To. Be. Size. ZERO.
I bet my sister is Size 00.
Can you imagine.
She's so small.
It's already almost 10pm.
I'm going to bathe.
And finish up the last touches for my English.
And sleep early tonight.
Need to wake up early tomorrow.
Hehe, I burn(ed) 2 discs to put in my car now.
Yes, it's mine now!!!
Not, sometimes my sister still take the car out.
The trunk is full of her stuff too.
Oh well.
It's okay.
We're sharing all of the cars.
I shall edit English now since I'm with my computer.
Okay, I'm done editting.
Only took 3 minutes.
I'm awesome.
HAHAHA, I'm totally kidding people.
I have 2 more albums of the San Francisco trip to upload onto Facebook.
Hm, I'm really taking my own sweet time on this one.
Too many yo.
I'm too lazy to do anything.
So tomorrow Aly is going spinning with her sister at 6pm.
And I figured, Aly is exercising...
I should too!
So I really have to push/force/get my ass off to the gym tomorrow.
I'm serious, super duper uber truly serious this time.
Gymming from probably 6ish until 7ish.
AT LEAST 45 minutes.
20 minutes on the treadmill.
15 minutes on the bicycle.
And 10 minutes doing other exercises like cruntches, sit ups, my other tummy thing, my arm thing, and my leg thing.
Hehe, okay.
Bathing time.
Obeser & Fat-O-Meter!!
All of us were quite crazy after eating.
I think there's something in the food.
Hahahaha, but seriously, we were all surprisingly very happy and laugh-y and mad somehow.
It was fun though.
I think there's a lot of photos.
But not of me.
SOME of me, but not all :)
I took about 3/4 polaroids!
And I think Eva is so light -_-
ARGH, lose weight dammit.
Drove home from Archstone (my 2nd home now).
I can probably drive home with my eyes closed.
I am going crazy.
Because I'm THAT sleepy....
Going to finish up my English before I head for the bed that is calling me to sleep now.
Shall go to Church tomorrow.
Then come back and do Math.
And sleep by latest 11pm tomorrow.
I need to wake up at latest 745am the next day.
Have to drive to school -_-
I am so tired.
Byebyebye <3
Saturday, April 17, 2010
But I don't know how to do them so I'm just going to do in on Monday.
With Mualz and Brig or something.
I need to shower now.
It's 230pm now.
Bathing and all, probably by 330pm.
(Including eating bread too!)
Too lazy to eat anything else.
330pm - 5pm shall be English time.
Shall finish up Wednesday's homework too.
Then 5pm - 6pm shall be Math time.
Shall do as many as I can.
And continue the rest tomorrow.
See ya all!
Will probably blog again later!
I woke up at 930.
And had my alarm snoozing off for every 5 minutes.
I eventually woke up, 3/4 awake anyway, at 10ish.
And I fell back asleep until 1250pm.
I've decided to cut some of the things on my to do list and leave it for tomorrow instead.
Things to do.
-Keep the clothes in the closet (Just did laundry).
-Do English homework.
-Do Math homework.
-Study Econs.
-Clean up the house.
-Read through Philosophy.
I only have so little time before preparing for Eva's birthday.
Have to ask if I'm going with the rest.
Or am I driving on my own.
Okay, I better start my stuff now.
I shall do English and Math web assignment first.
Then I shall bathe and keep the clothes.
And start on my Math (book) assignment.
If I have time, I'll do the dishes.
At least 6 hours.
No, 5 hours.
It's going to be a hell of a traffic going to North Hollywood for dinner later.
Dinner's at 8pm.
And I've to leave by 645pm I guess.
7pm is going to be such a bitch.
Traffic I mean.
Watching Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase.
Hehe, one hour to go.
I shall do my homework while watching it.
Byebyebye <3
That is so urgent that I have to blog right now before I sleep!!
A quickie!!
So, I cooked for FA just now.
I cooked 3 batches of the Chicken Pasta, that's not the name but that's what I'm going to call it.
Each batch is 8in x 8in x 2in!
And the leftover after FA was only 1/5 of one of the pan.
I'm so so so so happy!
First cooking for FA is a huge success.
All of them loved it and kept coming back for rounds.
Thank you yah :D
But but because of cooking, I was rushing because I finished cooking at 715pm.
And FA was supposed to start at 730pm.
So when I rushed out and got in the car at 730pm.
And reached at 745pm.
There was NO ONE there.
I shouldn't have rushed.
Oh well.
People started filling the room at only 8pm.
So I seriously had such a long time to pack my food slowly and make my way there.
I didn't speed by the way.
Well, FA ended quite late today.
Today's FA was fun.
The topic is about dating.
And we ended the FA at about 11pm, without even entering the second part of the planned schedule.
We only started and had to end at the introduction.
They were talking about dating, what it meant to us.
And different questions like, is it okay for girls to make the first move.
Is it okay for two people to be unofficial and stuff like that.
The unofficial one made me think of.....
You know should know who you are and the rest should know who am I talking about.
It made me think back of those times when we were singing the closing song and the closing prayer.
I teared.
I had the sudden strong feeling of missing you.
I don't know why, but I did.
I miss you carrying my bag for me.
I miss wearing your white watch every single day when there's school, well almost.
Then Kartika told me not to think about it.
I told myself not to.
*sudden end*
Anyway, we stayed at chit-chatted and played the games on the iPad until about 1am.
When we, Cindy, Fel, Rhesa and myself, left the place.
We were the last guests to leave.
I think.
I reached home and....
I couldn't find my house key!!
I called my erjie because she said she was at home just now.
"I'm already at my friend's house at Downtown".
And my dajie is at the Church's retreat.
SHIT, I have no key!!
I cannot enter the house!!
Wanted to stay over at Mualz's house but she's asleep so I didn't want to disturb her.
Kar's house is not an option because it's far and she decided to stay over in the west anyway.
And the rest are all asleep because it was freaking 130am!!
I was retracing my steps in my head.
And the only place I can think of leaving my key behind was in the kitchen.
Because I placed it there after coming back from Ralphs and I had to start cooking immediately.
The last resort: I had to drive to Downtown to get the key from erjie!
I called Kar.
She asked Ming2 to follow me.
Ming2 wanted to pick me up but I was already out of the carpark with my car.
So I told Ming2 to just take my car instead.
He didn't want me to drive because it was late and it was more than 10 miles away..
Yah, so we went Downtown, took the key from my erjie.
(I am so sorry for interrupting you jie!!)
And went to fill gas before sending Ming2 back home.
And I was FINALLY home at about 240am.
I searched for my key on the kitchen counter.
It wasn't there.
I was like... Oh shit!!
It can't be hidden in the bag that I brought out somewhere because I ransacked it 5 times.
At least.
And then I was like...
Oh right! I wanted to bring this other bag just now!
I think it's inside.
I went to the other bag that I wanted to bring to FA.
And there it was.
Omg right?
It's like...
Adventure in the middle of the night.
And now I'm ready to sleep in my PJs and retainers on my bed without my dajie.
And without erjie in the next room.
Yes, I'm alone at home -_-
Oh, remind me to post about the freaky guy who talked to me in Ralphs in my next post.
I better sleep now.
I am so tired, exhausted, worn out.
I want to eat at Swirl Art because it looks so damn good -_-
I hate BBM and Twitter because my mom keeps putting pictures of the place at the family chat in BBM and my cousin posted about 3-5 pictures of her yogurt on Twitter.
*gets back on track*
I shall sleep now.
I just took 17 minutes to blog this post.
I need to wake up at LATEST 10am tomorrow.
Things to do.
-Keep the clothes in the closet (Just did laundry).
-Do the dishes.
-Do English homework.
-Do Math homework.
-Study Econs.
-Clean up the house.
-Read through Philosophy.
And hopefully start on papers if I can.
IF, IF I wake up at 10am.
I will have about 10 hours to do everything.
Wait no, 8 hours.
I have to prepare and all for Eva's birthday dinner which is at 8pm.
8 hours.
I hope I can accomplish everything!!
I miss Aly and Va so much!!
Haven't seen them since the start of our Spring Break.
And now it's ending in TWO DAYS.
Saturday (which is actually today) is going to be cleaning & homework day.
Sunday is going to be Church+Lunch & finishing the rest of the homework day.
I hate school.
Means I have to wake up at latest 8am.
Leave the house at latest 820/830am.
Fetch Aly and Mualz.
And head to school.
Now I know how much I depend on Chuang to get to school -_-
I hate the parking in school.
Not that I hate driving to school.
Okay, I really realllyyyyyy have to turn in now.
22 minutes to blog.
When I actually said I wanted to blog a short one!!
Goodnight lovelies.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Halfway through with the second one.
But I decided that I want to bathe before continueing.
After finishing the online homework, I shall do English.
Then it's back to Math.
Math and Math and more Math.
Hm, shall fix my printer.
And print Econs notes out.
I was thinking of spending the next 40 minutes downloading songs.
But I've to look up for recipes.
I need to cook for later FA/CG, whichever you call it.
Need to start doing homework at 2pm.
Hopefully finish one subject by 4pm.
Then I'll start preparing and cooking for FA.
Or not.
Depends on the things I'm cooking.
It shall not be complicated because I would want to spend more time doing homework -_-
Hm, not going 6Flags anymore because of some stuff.
It's okay.
More people can make it the next time anyway.
So it's not a bad thing!
To be as skinny as BY2!
And they are about 42kg.
Okay, see you see you.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
I just finished my Tritip Sandwich + a cup of Green Tea.
Then I headed to the kitchen.
Filled my cup of Green Tea with hot water to the brim once again.
Drank Tylenol and Pi Pa Gao.
Made Honey Water.
And now I'm here watching my Cold Case feeling fat and bloated.
I watched a handful of videos of my 飛輪海。
Their album will be out in August!
Just in time when I'll be back in Asia.
Shall ask the others if they want to go Taiwan with me :)
Hehe, okiedokie.
I shall do my math web assignment.
Need more Chinese songs.
Need more English songs too.
Shall delete the songs that I don't really listen to.
Okiedokie, I'm watching Spongebob right now.
I'm going to have to visit the doctor soon.
I woke up at 7ish am because of my coughing.
And almost vomitted thrice within 2 minutes.
After that, when I eventually woke up at about 11:15 ish am, I can't breathe because my nose was blocked.
And I was sneezing non stop.
Also, I was feeling cold.
After that, I felt hot.
I hate this feeling.
Okiedokie, I'm going to eat something right now.
Then I'm going to eat my medicine and drink honey water.
I hate being sick.
Okiedokie, will blog later again.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Glad to be back.
LA is not as cold as SF.
But SF is a nice town because public transport there is awesome.
Had so much food there.
That I feel like I'm super extremely obese to the point that I can't grow any fatter.
The plan now is to lose weight like crazy with Aly, Mualz and Chuang.
Die, one month away.
I mean USC Banquet.
First thing to do is lose weight.
Then find a dress.
Then a pair of heels to go along with it.
Can't wait for the banquet.
Okay, the conclusion of the SF trip.
In summary/point kind of way.
Too many things to write.
I will do a long elaborated post tomorrow.
I'm pretty worn out right now.
-Sore legs.
Due to all of the walkings.
Out of the 5 days, we only rented a car for a day for the trip to Napa Valley and Berkeley.
We walked more than 2 miles on this evening just to have dinner at this restaurant.
It was crazy.
Cynthia and I were dying.
Our legs wanted to collapse right there.
-Ruined mood, due to polaroid, bracelet and necklace.
First, I was so stupid to forget to change my settings from "home" to "sunny".
So out of the 8 polaroids, 4 were okay...
I mean, you can see everything, it's just that it's TOO bright.
But the other 8 were just.
You can't see anything.
Except our outline.
I am depressed.
I am SO stupid to the extent that I feel like I'm the stupid-est person in the whole wide world.
Then, my bracelet BROKE.
It broke when I was going up the bus.
We heard the pearls, not real don't worry, drop and bouncing off the floor.
I am so annoyed.
I really really like that bracelet :(
I have half of it in my bag right now.
The other half is still on the floor at the bus stop at Union Square :(
I hope no one tripped on it.
Last but not least, my necklace.
Well, it was bought from Mangdu, super cheap but pretty....
It had the Eiffel Tower, a heart and this circle thingy.
I was washing my face just now...
When I realized that the tower was missing.
I was so depressed.
-Grew fat
That summed the whole trip pretty well.
We ate, and ate, and ate, and ate somemore.
Tritip sandwich from Mocca Cafe was AWESOME.
I bought 5 back to LA.
3/4 for my sister and her friends.
And one for myself.
Haven't have it actually.
It's in the fridgeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
I feel so fat.
-Fell sick, again
Bathed at night on this one night.
And fell sick straight away.
Cough, flu and sore throat.
All back to haunt me.
I almost vomitted yesterday morning, or was it today?
Yeah, I was coughing when I was about to brush my teeth.
And I felt like puking so bad.
But I can't force it out.
So, yeah.
-1000 photos
Well, technically not a thousand photos anymore.
There were more than a thousand.
But I deleted quite a number.
So there's only about 900-ish photos left.
But for 5 days...
Or rather 4 days (I did not bring it out for the 2nd day because it was shopping day).
I think that's pretty crazy.
Okay, I will blog about the trip in detail....
And upload the photos....
As soon as I can.
I am going to sleep in tomorrow. (YES!!)
And watch tv and use the laptop tomorrow.
And TRY to do my homework so I don't have to rush my weekened.
And TRY to go to the gym tomorrow.
And starve myself tomorrow, or maybe only have the tritip sandwich :)
It's Mingming's and Robin's housewarming dinner tomorrow.
Then Friday, Mualz and I are still thinking of what to do.
Saturday is Six Flags (YAY!!)
Sunday is Church and Homework day.
Will so have Monday Blues this coming Monday.
Okiedokie, I'm going to continue watching my show with my Jie now.
And go to sleep at latest 12.
I need to lose weight.
Shit this.
Okay, goodnight lovelies :)
Friday, April 9, 2010
I just accepted their friend request on Facebook.
I still have 138 or something.
I don't accept everyone.
I accepted them because we have more than 10 mutual friends.
Okay, done packing.
Eating oranges now.
Oranges + Pita Chips just now + Grande Caramel Macchiato = Breakfast + Lunch + Dinner.
Or not.
Might have KC Boba later.
I haven't wash my stinky bag though.
I'm not going to bring that anyway.
I think.
Or I might be.
I think I should wash it now.
So, I went to the bank to deposit my checks and withdrew a hundred bucks.
Just because I'm lacking of cash...
After that, I went to T-Mobile.
But the store I went to, doesn't have my Curve 8900 so they have to MAIL the new one to me instead.
It's going to take like 5-7 business days.
So I've to survive with my screwed up phone for my entire trip in SF.
Just packed my luggage.
Only 3/4 done though.
It's already 3, leaving for the airport in an hour plus, two.
They might want to go KC Boba first.
We're addicted I tell you, we are.
I think I'm bring too many stuff.
My luggage is KINDA full even before I leave..
6 tops,
2 jumper thingy,
2 jeans,
2 shorts,
1 skirt,
1 harem pants,
a lot of leggings (different colours to choose from),
6 sets of undergarments,
2 jackets,
2 belts,
Slimming pants (HAHHAHA),
DSLR & charger,
BB charger,
Polaroid, films, album,
Facial Wash,
Make up remover (3 bottles btw),
Cotton wool,
I wanted to bring my hair straightener,
but I think there's no time for me to straighten my hair anyway.
I think I'm going to remove one set of clothes.
I think I've too many.
We're still going to shop there...
I need space in my luggage.
Okay, removed one top and my harem pants.
Okay, back to packing brb.
Giving her a million websites of where to go, where to eat, where to shop and all those.
Oh well.
Going to visit UCB too.
I think I know how many sets of clothes I'm going to bring.
Probably 6/7 sets.
Aly suggested 7.
I'll see how it goes tomorow.
A checklist is done so I won't miss anything while packing tomorrow!
Til then, byebyebye.
9th post for the day.
Woo, byebye.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Looking through the weather conditions for the next 10 days.
The only important dates are the next 5 days actually.
It's going to be pretty cold.
I think I'm going to bring my UGGs, my flats, and one more boots.
& one or two coats just to make sure I can choose before heading out at the hotel.
Still thinking how many sets of clothes would be just right.
Waiting for Mualz and Fel to finalize the itinerary, and I'll decide then.
I'll probably bring 2 extra sets on top of the number of sets I plan to bring.
So that I can choose as well.
Not going to bring so many because we're planning to shop there.
So exciting.
I can't wait actually.
I can't believe I actually forgot that I was going to SF at all.
I just wished Aly, Va and a few more people could come to make it merrier :(
But, either way, it's cool that I'm actually going out of LA with my own friends.
Hundredsssss of pictures to be taken, I hope.
I'm going to post the weather of SF right here.
Just because I feel like it :)
And I'm going to post ANOTHER entry later to remind myself on what are the things that I need to bring.
Okay, I'm so tired.
My neighbour is being so annoying.
OH, I need to wake up earlier tomorrow.
Need to run errands.
1) Go to the Management Office to ask them to make another bob (I don't know if it's the right spelling), for me, and
2) To go T-Mobile to hopefully exchange my phone on the spot, hopefully.
3) Bank, deposit checks and withdraw money.
4) Wash my bag with that smelly coffee smell on it.
5) To decide what size luggage I should bring, how many sets of clothes to bring..... and all that, and,
6) To actually pack my luggage.
I need to complete all of that tasks by LATEST 3-4pm.
Flight's at 7pm.
So I have to reach the airport by 5pm or something.
I wouldn't want to miss my flight huh.
But I don't need to rush too because one of my friends have class until either 3/4-ish.
Can't really remember.
I better sleep soon so that I can wake up at latest 10am.
I almost typed 10pm.
I am so worn out, I am not kidding you.
The weather at SF!
Quite sad that it's going to rain on one/two days.
That sucks huh.
AH, I really want to shop.
Can't wait.
Haven't shop since I came back here.
That was, like, 2 months ago.
(Y) Awesomecakes.
Friday, 9 April 2010
Sunny, 0% Precipitation.
High: 17°C
Low: 10°C
Saturday, 10 April 2010
Mostly Cloudy, 10% Precipitation.
High: 13°C
Low: 11°C
Sunday, 11 April 2010
Rain/Wind, 90% Precipitation.
High: 12°C
Low: 11°C
Monday, 12 April 2010
Few Showers, 30% Precipitation.
High: 12°C
Low: 9°C
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
Partly Cloudy, 10% Precipitation.
High: 12°C
Low: 9°C
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Partly Cloudy, 10% Precipitation.
High: 11°C
Low: 8°C
Remember this.
I can see the moment right after you've read the message that you have actually read it.
So if you don't reply.
I will know that.
And FYI, I hate that.
If you have the time to read it, you have the time to reply.
If you're busy, just type THREE freaking letter - brb.
Is it THAT hard?