Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Confirmed the time with Thomas (my driving instructor) for my first-ever driving lesson.
Friday, 2pm.
He's going to call me before he arrive at my place...
Omg, I think I'll be super freaked out.
I can foresee myself bbm-ing people like Tracy and Kartika and a few others...
And I bet Kartika will ask me to shut up.. HAHA, kidding.
She won't, but she'll keep asking me to calm down I bet you.

And two people are going to pass something to my brother, who'll ask my Mommy, who'll ask my cousin and her family who are coming over to pass the thing to me.
(Secret stuff)
It's so funny how the package will seem so mysterious, when a handful of us know what is it.

So, I just bbm-ed Janet, asking her what to blog about.
Because I've no idea on what to blog about.
And the first thing she said was, "Err, I'm always late for class?!hahahaha".
I'm not always late for class okay.
Not anymore... Hahahah.
For the first few weeks of school, yes, but only for the Accounting lesson on Mondays because I was staying with my sisters then!

Anyway, it didn't really hit me that I was staying alone until this afternoon.
I mean, yeah sure, obviously I'm staying alone.
But it was only today in the afternoon when I felt like, I was lonely.
Even though I just saw my sisters like 2 days back.
I think I've grown attached to them.
I used to not miss them so much when I was back in Singapore.
But now, after not seeing them for a week or two.
I really feel like I miss them and I want to go back to Marina (their place) for the weekend.
So cheesy, I know.
Hahahaha, oh wells!
But I miss someone even more.. And we hardly skype anymore..
I miss you...

... Ah boy!
Yes, my brother.
Without him with me under the same roof simply means,
1) No more quarreling over stupid stuff
2) No more eating at the same table while watching tv and using our laptops
3) No more "I watch the tv first" and stuff like that
4) No more "Jie, I'm hungry" in the middle of the night and I've to whip up something for him
5) No more him asking me to accompany him to the kitchen to grab a drink or something
... and a lot more.

Okay, it's 1130pm now.
I've another Accounting test tomorrow.
I better stop blogging and start studying.
Oh! I only have 6 weeks of school left!
Inclusive of Finals week, but excluding this week.
Oh yeah, I emailed SMC (the school I'm going to transfer to) about my timetable clashing if I actually take the Winter semester in PCC (my current school) and stuff.
I'm waiting for their reply on whether I can actually do that or should I just not take Winter at all.
They better reply me ASAP!!


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