Okay, my last decent post was on 11/12/09.
I'm getting used to the US's date format which is month/date/year btw.
So on the 13th, which was a Friday, yes, Friday the 13th.
My BB decided to screw up.
And I couldn't send my bbm messages to everyone.. which sucks.
I went to my friend's place, to hang out and then she and another friend had a driving lesson by another friend.
So it was like, 5 of us in the car, another girl and I were just like... talking and waching them drive.
It wasn't scary or anything so everything's cool.
Then after driving lesson... Everyone chilled at my friend's place, another guy and girl joined us.
My friend and I cooked lunch (y)
Rice and chicken, so simple yet so delicious.
Then another friend fetched me to the west (my sister's place), had dinner with two other friends..
Was supposed to watch 2012 but tickets were all sold out.
So, we didn't have anything to do until 12.
There was a surprise birthday party.
Then, Saturday... Had In N' Out.
Yum, the most awesome burger ever!
Chilled at home, watched this chinese movie.
Then ate at Animal.
Ate Foie Gras, Bone Marrow & Escargot for the first time.
I think I blogged about this before, have I?
Oh well, you guys can just re-read it all over again.
I puked the Escargot out.
It tasted SO disgusting, I'm not even exaggerating!
Foie Gras... It was fine, didn't really have a strong taste to it, so it's not to the point where I've to puke it out and stuff.
Bone Marrow... The texture definitely creeped the hell out of me.
Forced to try it.
The only verdict on it is that... I like the bread that came alone with the Bone Marrow.
It didn't really have any strong taste to it too.
Okay, Sunday.
Wore my super high heels, the one I got from Zara.
15cm high.
I felt so tall that day.
As tall as some of the guys, or even taller.
After Church, we went to eat at Mitsuwa.
Yummy ramen, shared with sister though.
After that, we went to have dessert.
Tiramisu Crepe.. Awesome.
Played Clue at home after that.
I love that game.
It's like one of my favourite board game..
I hardly even play board game in the first place. Hahaha.
Then had Fogo for dinner before heading back to my alone place.
Fogo - guilty for eating one whole plate of red meat.
Monday, Accounting class is so awkward now.
So, normally I would sit at the first row table, and the person who sit beside me always change.
Either my HK friend, this China guy, or the freaky Korean classmate.
So, I was late for class, the freaky guy was sitting in front.
The seat that I always sit at was empty.
I walked away, I sat beside my other China friend.
HAHA, biggest hint to him that I'm going to ignore him for the rest of the 4 weeks ever.
Oh, went to see the Meteor! :)
Left the house at about 1230am and reached home at about 345am.
Exhausted and fell asleep straight after I hit the bed.
And today, late for my English 900 class, wanted to meet a tutor for them to review on my essay...
But because I was late, I was so behind on the list..
And there wasn't enough time.
I had to wait 40 minutes for the bus in the 15 degrees weather.
I was freezing like crazy so I bought Starbucks before going up to my place.
It was like... Hot coffee have never tasted so good.
Watching Bones now.
I love Bonessssssssss.
I need to start taking pictures to upload to this super wordy blog.
I know you guys are agreeing with me at this point.
I shall go send my lens for service and my small camera for service which I doubt is free because it's been so long since I got my Sony camera..
After that, I shall have millions of photography sessions with my friends who have cameras too!
I shall pull them along to take pictures with me.
Can't wait til I can drive.
I can just drive out whenever I want to to take pretty pictures.
But for now, I'll leave the picture taking to my friends :)