Dawn, Haziqah, Janet, Jiani, Yujing.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
My 200th post for this blog, and it's also the first post for the year 2010!
Happy New Year!
Have a pleasant and awesome year ahead!
It's already 2010..
What did you do for the year of 2009 that put a smile on your face?
Or did anything happen to put a frown on your face?
Eitherway, put everything behind you now!
It's already over right?
It's about time to make a new change, for the new 2010.
Have you made yours?
Did you tick the boxes beside all of your resolutions for 2009?
Well.. I didn't because I didn't even make a list of resolutions for 2009.
I shall make one now for 2010!
A new year marks a new beginning.
My Resolutions for 2010.
1) Lose weight - to be 45kg.
2) Attend dance, flute and piano classes.
3) Read at least 30 books for the year. (It's a start!)
4) Do not spend so much on shopping. (Which I don't initially.)
5) Get awesome grades for college and get into USC/UCLA.
6) Treasure everyone around myself, especially Mommy, Daddy, Jiejie(s), Ahboy, Gramps, relatives, friends... Pretty much everyone.
7) Get super awesome at photography.
8) Get closer to THE dream :)
I think that's about it.
Okay, so we did nothing much for New Year's Eve because there was nothing on at Orchard Road.
Apparently Singapore is too poor to hold 3 events, one at Marina, one at Sentosa and the last one to be held at their well-known Orchard Road.
It's so stupid.
Obviously not everyone will go down to Marina and Sentosa to celebrate right?
Can't they hold something small to entertain the people with actual lives, who don't want to squeeze their way through the smelly pespiring people..
Can you imagine kids squeezing their way through the crowd, and smelling adults' asses?
Seriously, Singapore should have more than 2 big events to cover the need to have an actual countdown for every single one of us living in this tiny little dot.
It's 440am!
My cousins are leaving in 3 hours' time.
*Insert HUGE SAD face here*
It's going to be so quiet at home.
From 16 people squeezing in 4 rooms...
To 6 people left.
BUT, soon enough, 3 people are going to invade my darling room... AGAIN.
Plus, my mom's friends, two of them, are coming over to conquer my brother's room... AGAIN.
My parents can start a hotel service in this house.
I'm sure that we can earn big bucks.
Just look at the number of people coming and going from our door.
Non-stop traffic of people invading and leaving our place.
I miss my room ):
Before they all came, I was there for... 3 nights.
Even though I only spent one night watching a dvd... only 15 minutes though.
I still miss my dvd player.
I miss a non-living thing that is only in the next room beside my parents' room.
I'm such a weirdo.
Okay, I feel like munching on Shaker Fries because I haven't had them for like... YEARS.
And, for the 10 times my cousins went to eat at McDonalds, I haven't even had a single fries.
Or a bite of McWings, McChicken, McSpicy...
You name it, I haven't had it.
I haven't had fast food since... In N' Out I think.
This is awesome!
I also feel like eating..... McDonald's breakfast.
NONONO, NO Caroline.
Stop eating, stop thinking about eating whatever you are thinking about.
You are getting.... F.A.T.
Actually, the better, and more realistic word is O.B.E.S.E.
Okay, I'll stop eating.
Geez, it's taking FOREVER to burn 6 discs of photos for my relatives.
I'm dying from the wait of burning all of them.
Random note: My cousin is singing a different song for every word that reminds her of that individual song. Example, I wrote "smile on your face" and she started singing... A smile on your face, let me know that you need me, there's a truth in your eyes, saying you'll never leave me...
Okay, you get my drift.
She's insane.
Okay, she's going to whack me now.
See, she cursed.
Okay, she don't understand what I typed.
Everyone, laugh with me!
OHMYGOD, I'm typing so much!!
Well, it's a good start.
It means that I'll blog more for this new year!
I'm getting hooked on blogging.
Okay, I'm going to rot while waiting for the 3rd disc to be done.....
My cousins are going crazy.
Photos to be uploaded tomorrow... or another day when I actually have time.
Jennifer started singing again.
"Would you be happier....." by The Corrs.
She's still humming the song.
Okay, night!
Time flew flew flew by so fast fast fast!!
I'm going to eat at Macpherson later. HAHA.
Random place to have the last dinner for the year right?
I know, but which restaurant can hold 16 people on a last minute basis?
The number is pretty close to a zero!
Okay, will blog again later..
Am so super duper sad that I won't be able to have a camera to take photo ):
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Even though we had our ups and downs,
Even though I still do not know the reason or reasons on why that incident happened,
Even though we were in different classes throughout our secondary school days,
Even though we distanced by being in different cliques,
Even though we only got close again in secondary three or four,
Even though we hardly hang out together,
Even though there are some things that are left unsaid between us,
I still feel that you're a very important person in my life :)
No matter how huge the distance is between the both of us, we are still going to keep in contact right? :D
Okay, going to keep this short but I know that you know what I'm trying to say in this post :)
This is for you Janet Lau Shan Xiu :)
How awesome is that?
So anyway, my meeting with Tracy was pushed almost an hour back.
But, I was still the early one.
Tracy had to even cab down because she was just about to leave her house when I was already at Aljunied.
Even her cabbing down led her to still be late because I was there before her!
Okay, so I got my magazines, 2 dramas and the CD that my Daddy asked me to get for him at Tampines.
Then we took the bus to... TOA PAYOH.
I swear it's the longest bus ride I've ever taken.
It's such a torture but at the same time comforting because at least I can talk to someone throughout the whole ride!
We were laughing at this 3 secondary school kid because the things they talk about are so hilarious.
Okay, we alighted at this bus stop at had to walk to find the place I was looking for to get that special item! :)
Got it!
So so so so so contented.
I'm super happy now.
I'm a happy girl living in this small small world.
Okay, after that, we headed down to City Hall to look for JPoon.
We bought the ingredients and cabbed to my place.
Yay, yummy outcomes.
The downside is that, SOMEONE kept reminding me that I don't have my camera with me!!
She seriously suck to the core okay.
I'm kidding.
You know I love you..... (yeah right)
I'm seriously kidding!
You know how I am.
I can't express my feelings!! HAHA.
Okay, so my parents and all of my relatives are back!
No more peace and quiet for myself and the few of us who didn't go to Genting.
I pity my maid.
16 people squeezing in this tiny place, with my maid having to clean up all of our mess...
Okay, we're not THAT bad, we help her out!
We do not abuse our maid.
She's awesome.
I like to disturb her sometimes, she's just too quiet!
Okay, might be heading down to Newton later to eat my duck rice.
I miss it so much!
It was closed on the 23rd, I think, when we went down.
Deciding which date is the best for me to go back to Indonesia.
Can't wait!
Excited to meet up with friends AND to go visit Bali :)
The year is ending tomorrow.
It's 31 December tomorrow.
Omg, it's the last day of the year 2009!
I don't know about you, but I am!
Super ultra mega duper excited.
I'm positive that 2010 will be such an awesome year for all of us!
Tomorrow is always a better day.
So a new year is always a better year than the previous one!
Yupyup, I know I'm right!
Everyone should have plans for tomorrow's big countdown event right?
The venue to watch the fireworks and all.
Have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious time tomorrow!
Okay, see you see you!!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Changed the time to 230pm.
Left home to walk to Orchard MRT Station at 215pm.
Pearlin reached at 3pm.
Told you I'm always early.
I should really make myself be super late one day.
*evil laugh*
We walked, only sitting down twice or something, from 3pm til 10pm.
7 hours of walking!
I need to walk more.
It's such a good form of exercise.
So, anyway, we were out of ideas, of where to go to after walking around ION, Wisma and Taka.
We were too lazy to walk to Somerset too.
Or rather, I was too lazy to :D
I bought a few magazines today, and bought Muji snacks for brother and cousins.
Yay, I'm going to cook tomorrow :)
For Janet, Jerevien and Tracy.
But I'm going to leave for a while in between to get something from Toa Payoh.
It's going to be my very first time there.
And I've been staying in Singapore for like 11 years.
I will feel like a tourist tomorrow, or whenever I go to the west side.
I wouldn't know a thing.
So excited now!!
But so stressed out at the same time.
SMC still haven't send a letter over to the US house, or this house.
I'm so scared ):
God, please help me.
Monday, December 28, 2009
A week of having the flu.
*patiently waiting for it to vanishhhhhh*
Going to meet Pearlin in half an hour!
Yay, we're going to sit somewhere to just chill, and chit chat.
Or rather gossip.
I'll blog again later!
But no pictures this week!
Unless she brought her camera! :)
Sunday, December 27, 2009
December 29, 2009 - Pearlin, I miss you girl ):
December 30, 2009 - Tracy, Jerevien & Janet, quality time :)
December 31, 2009 - Spending the day with family, counting down the last 24 hours of 2009.
January 1, 2009 - Spending the day with family, relatives are going back to Indonesia.
January 2, 2009 - Outing with Haziqah, Aikhe, Kim and so on.
January 3, 2009 - Lunch with 4E1 :) & Dinner with Junlin and the rest.
January 4, 2009 - Verna is back! Dinner with Verna & Janet & Haziqah!
January 5, 2009 - Slacking at home with Haziqah, Janet and Verna.
January 6, 2009 - Outing with Feiyun, Jiexin and the rest!
January 7, 2009 - Jere & Tracy!
January 8, 2009 - (Probably going back to Indonesia on this day)
Still have outings to plan with:
1) Feiyun, Jiexin and others.
2) Junlin, Weixing and gang.
3) Grace and Pauline!
4) Alyssa, Ashley & Brian!
and so on.
Need more outings with Alyssa, Haziqah, Verna, Janet, Tracy, Jerevien..
Those main characters :)
Date me out people!
After I return to dearest US in late January, I won't be back until August again.
8 months man.
I want to watch movies.
Especially Sherlock Holmes.
Will watch more movies in Indonesia instead of watching them here.
Much cheaper and much better seats.
Ah, going to finalise the date for cousins and myself to go to Bali tomorrow or something.
Probably going to end up with at least 3 more photoalbums in facebook by the end of my trip!
Yay, the more the better.
I hate this.
Alyssa came over just now.
Sorry about dinner.
Didn't know that you wanted to meet me for dinner..
Anyway, love meeting you girl.
See you again next week okay :)
Anyway, there are just too many pictures to choose from.
These are just a few.
Wanted to post more, but I hate blogger.
Please view the rest of my facebook :)
Here you go:
The most expensive too!
The police or rather guards were like asking me to move to one side.
My name & nickname!
Flashlight photos <3