i have a question: why do we tend to do negative things when the opposite of those actions are not something too difficult for us to achieve with a little hope?
there's 11 words.
i'll elaborate on 3 of them tonight and continue the rest on following nights.
we can live as we live now, all credit to God.
so we should do all that we can in the little time that we have in this lifetime to just bring the best out of everything.
why do we have to hate people when it is obvious to all that we can love someone with all the energy that we are wasting on when we are hating or disliking others?
God - filled with everlasting and such abundant love.
yes, we can never love anyone, including Him as much as He loves us.
but we should at least try.
in the Bible, in Matthew 22:37 and 39.
"Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'"
& "And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"
with God telling us in His very own Word, having these two to be the first two commandments, who are we to defy what He is telling us to do?
and if not following God's commandment is ridiculous enough, how can we possibly to the complete opposite of what He wants us to achieve by hating others?
this is something that everyone should remember.
"Always remember to be happy because you never know who's falling in love with your smile."
who in this world prefers crying over smiling or laughing?
i'm sure no one.
yes, we do cry at times, sometimes we can't help it.
but think about it when you are about to cry or when you are crying: what are you crying for?
if it's over something like grades, or something that you misplaced or lost, then hey, you have no reason to cry over something that is over right?
no one should cry over spilled milk.
remember that.
all of us shouldn't be out there destroying and ruining things that others have created.
imagine someone trashing something that you have built with your sweat and tears.
how would you feel?
wouldn't you feel really annoyed?
that is exactly how the other person is feeling when you destroy something that they have built difficultly.
place yourself in their shoes.
that doesn't feel good. does it?
a second look at this word is, we shouldn't think of creating something as if it has to be buildings, bridges, and your science experiments or art models.
look at it this way.
God wants us to create something so majestic and magnificent.
we should create this invisible bond among everyone who is around you.
and reach out to them, reach out to those who haven't found God as their personal savior.
create something amazing to show His love and how awesome He is to all.
including Christians.
sometimes even Christians can be blinded or drift off from the path of having an intimate and close relationship with God.
use this chance to create an indescribable relationship with God, and all of your brothers and sisters in Christ.
create something unimaginable.
that is your task.
live this life fully, respectfully and positively.
and do not ever forget to thank God for everything that He did for us every single day.
He deserves the praise and worship that we should be doing every day.
He died for us and He saved us.
we shouldn't waste this life away, waste everything that He did for us, throw everything that we could be doing and spending our life joyfully by doing stupid things.
just think about your life for a few minutes.
how have you been spending your life?
are you more on the positive side or the negative side?
if you are leaning more on the latter, you know that it is time to change.
and you can change now.
it is never too late to change.
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