Monday, January 31, 2011
haziqah, janet and verna oovoo-ed and i was supposed to join them at 8am-ish.
but i was too tired to be true.
i couldn't even wake myself up to study for the exam which is in about an hour.
and another one which is in 3 hours.
sorry guys, after today i'll wake up i promise.
have been lacking of sleep recently.
and as all of you know, i'm someone who requires at least 8 hours of sleep at times.
i watched love buffet episode 7 last night.
aaron yan ya lun is the awesomest person ever :p
okay, i've to prepare for school now.
good morning/afternoon/night to all of you readers.
it's the last day of january 2011.
i don't know about you, but it feels like the time is just flying by without us realizing it.
watched an episode of undercover boss last night.
and i cried.
it was so touching and i learnt one thing or rather got reminded of something.
you'll never know what's going to happen later in the day, tomorrow and the next day and so forth.
so we should really try to live in the moment.
to try to bring ourselves to the present, to actually be where you are.
otherwise, i am pretty sure we will regret some things that we did or not do.
just had this thought in my head.
so i thought i'll share it with all of you.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
just a wild random thought in my head:
can you ever stay the same after an incident that almost killed you?
can you imagine yourself to have something happen to you so big that your story might even land on "I shouldn't be alive"?
can you imagine the pain physically and mentally that all of those people went through?
can you imagine the insanity of the things that are being played on the television?
it isn't a show.
well, it is.
but the storyline is something that had happened to real people before.
i simply can't wrap my mind around that thought.
because that thought is too huge for me to handle.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
have been watching these two shows for the past few days.
taking my own sweet time watching it.
not as crazy as before where i can stay up all night long just to complete the whole series.
i can't wait for love buffet's next episode to be out.
it's taking tooooo long.
maybe i should have waited until everything is aired and watched everything at once.
but i just couldn't stand not watching aaron..

i can't believe this year is actually here.
the year where i am all alone in los angeles.
when my whole family, and i literally mean everyone, except me are in indo or singapore.
the first year where almost everyone is gathered for chinese new year.
for the previous years, it's my two sisters, and a few of my cousins who are missing from the whole crowd.
since they were still studying either in LA, or SF.
but now, everyone is back.
except me.
maybe i shouldn't have taken winter classes and went back to singapore and celebrate cny instead.
but on the bright side..
we're going to have a celebration dinner here.
and somehow i'm in charge of planning for it.
i'm still thinking which is a better idea.
cooking and eating at home, or dining out?
ideas anyone?
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
A woman survived 20 days without food when she was stuck in the middle of nowhere in the Grand Canyon.
Linda Forney took a wrong turn while taking her dog for a walk and got to her crazy situation.
Thank goodness for 4 local villagers who found her footprints in areas where tourists wouldn't venture.
They finally found her lying down, after she decided that she had lost all hopes of being found.
20 days... That's a day shy for it to actually reach 3 weeks.
I can't imagine standing in the middle of nowhere, in the scorching heat, the extreme condition, and with nothing but a little water available.
Could you?
Saturday, January 22, 2011
to all of my readers out there, please check this link out:
and do me a favor by spreading the word to everyone you know who is going to be able to attend to this lovely event in celebration of the day of love - Valentine's Day.
i will be looking forward to see all of you, if possible, at the event!
if you have any question, please do not hesitate to ask me!
thank you so much and please try to attend this extraordinary event.
with love, caroline, xoxo.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
i somehow still can't get over the fact on how irresponsible some people are.
people who are working in charge of the explosion scene for a drama that is going on, should definitely ensure that everything is safe and good to go.
before they allow the actors/actresses to enter that dangerous zone.
for those who don't know what happened, one
male actor and one female suffered third degree burns when they were filming for an explosion scene.
and in result, the actress was hospitalized for 3 months, only having to be discharged yesterday.
this is her before:

and this is her yesterday:

i am not going to speak ill of anyone.
yes, it might be an error that the employees did.
but i just find it so horrible that such thing can ever happen.
i just wish Selina that she would be healed both mentally and physically.
that may God be with her and guide her along this rough road.
God bless you Selina.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
continuing where i left off

taken from a website:
what does the Bible say about perseverance?
the Bible teaches that we must trust God and persevere in difficult times.
God is faithful and He will never leave us or forsake us.
the Bible offers comfort & hope when we go through hardships and trials.
we must remain in Christ, stand firm and continue to do the work that God has called us to do.
God loves us and He will always be with us.
continue to trust in the Lord and in His will for your life.
James 1:12 - Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him.
i'm not saying that i do not gossip 100%.
yes, i am confessing to a sin of gossiping.
it is hard to not gossip, everyone, i am sure, fall into that trap of gossiping.
but, we should praise more to get rid of the gossiping in our life.
if we spend more time praising and worshiping the Lord, wouldn't we have less time to gossip?
God gave us this gift, to worship none other but Him.
why? because He is worthy and because He is our God.
taken from a website:
if you are saved, praising and worshiping the Lord is an important part of our fellowship with the Lord.
after all, what a great gift we have been freely given by the Lord Jesus Christ.
Deuteronomy 10:21 - He is your praise and He is your God, who has done these great and awesome things for you which your eyes have seen..
Exodus 15:2 - The Lord is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation; This is my God, and I will praise Him; my father's God, and I will extol Him..
Bible verses on healing:
Psalm 30:2 - O Lord my God, I cried out to You, and You healed me.
Psalm 147:3 - He heals the brokenhearted And binds up their wounds
when you cry out and confess and just be honest to God, you will be healed as He will heal you with His mighty power.
it's not only that.
let's see, what gain would you get by hurting someone else?
nothing, right?
then why would you want to do something so negative and ruin others' lives?
karma, remember that.
what comes around, comes around.
what goes up must come down.
think twice before you actually decide to play a prank or do something that would harm others, both mentally or physically.
i'll continue again another day.
too tired to do anything right now.
goodnight lovelies.
(My Lord)
I lift my voice
I lift my praise to you
I lift my hands
I lift my worship to you
I love you more than I can say
I love you more than I can say
Ever I will sing
Only you will I adore
Glorify my Lord
Only you will I serve
For the world will fade away
Still my song to you remains
Only you will I adore
Oh I love you always...
Monday, January 17, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
tomorrow is going to be a very fun day.
time to hit the sack now.
i'm sorry for not reading my books for the last two nights.
i'm making it up and never procrastinating ever again for the rest of the year.
i shall, and i will, and i must wake up at before noon tomorrow.
and spend at least an hour reading up my books and just absorbing His Word.
can't wait for care group tomorrow.
our first care group since fall classes ended.
the downside is that, it's going to be my sister's first and last care group for 2011.
i'll certainly miss her.
but i know God has greater and mightier plans for her.
okay, time to sleep.
will blog and post pictures about tomorrow's care group on saturday earliest.
yes, i won't be blogging tomorrow.
so i'll continue the words and what i think of them on saturday earliest too.
have a great one lovelies.

i have a question: why do we tend to do negative things when the opposite of those actions are not something too difficult for us to achieve with a little hope?
there's 11 words.
i'll elaborate on 3 of them tonight and continue the rest on following nights.
we can live as we live now, all credit to God.
so we should do all that we can in the little time that we have in this lifetime to just bring the best out of everything.
why do we have to hate people when it is obvious to all that we can love someone with all the energy that we are wasting on when we are hating or disliking others?
God - filled with everlasting and such abundant love.
yes, we can never love anyone, including Him as much as He loves us.
but we should at least try.
in the Bible, in Matthew 22:37 and 39.
"Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'"
& "And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"
with God telling us in His very own Word, having these two to be the first two commandments, who are we to defy what He is telling us to do?
and if not following God's commandment is ridiculous enough, how can we possibly to the complete opposite of what He wants us to achieve by hating others?
this is something that everyone should remember.
"Always remember to be happy because you never know who's falling in love with your smile."
who in this world prefers crying over smiling or laughing?
i'm sure no one.
yes, we do cry at times, sometimes we can't help it.
but think about it when you are about to cry or when you are crying: what are you crying for?
if it's over something like grades, or something that you misplaced or lost, then hey, you have no reason to cry over something that is over right?
no one should cry over spilled milk.
remember that.
all of us shouldn't be out there destroying and ruining things that others have created.
imagine someone trashing something that you have built with your sweat and tears.
how would you feel?
wouldn't you feel really annoyed?
that is exactly how the other person is feeling when you destroy something that they have built difficultly.
place yourself in their shoes.
that doesn't feel good. does it?
a second look at this word is, we shouldn't think of creating something as if it has to be buildings, bridges, and your science experiments or art models.
look at it this way.
God wants us to create something so majestic and magnificent.
we should create this invisible bond among everyone who is around you.
and reach out to them, reach out to those who haven't found God as their personal savior.
create something amazing to show His love and how awesome He is to all.
including Christians.
sometimes even Christians can be blinded or drift off from the path of having an intimate and close relationship with God.
use this chance to create an indescribable relationship with God, and all of your brothers and sisters in Christ.
create something unimaginable.
that is your task.
live this life fully, respectfully and positively.
and do not ever forget to thank God for everything that He did for us every single day.
He deserves the praise and worship that we should be doing every day.
He died for us and He saved us.
we shouldn't waste this life away, waste everything that He did for us, throw everything that we could be doing and spending our life joyfully by doing stupid things.
just think about your life for a few minutes.
how have you been spending your life?
are you more on the positive side or the negative side?
if you are leaning more on the latter, you know that it is time to change.
and you can change now.
it is never too late to change.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
A super picture-ish post.
Events from December to date.
I think it's in order but I'm not sure.
Big Bear Trip!
Pardon me for being so ugly in the pictures.
Snowboarding = no make up on.
And I look horribly obese in them:

One fine day in Church:
Pastor Ray's Christmas Dinner & Secret Santa.
My first ever celebration and gift exchange.
This was on the 23rd of December.
It was so much fun.
On the actual Christmas Day.
Exchanged gifts with my sister before everyone arrive.
Well, Julian, Citra and Wilson were at our place.
Want to know what we got each other?
You'll find out in a millisecond!
& I cooked Hainanese Chicken Rice too.
Went to Vegas for New Year's Celebration.
It was quite fun actually.
Even though we stayed in the room to play games a lot.
Happy New Year?
My face is kinda red because I drank a small cup of sake.
Hehehe, I turn red so easily:
The start of the new year.
A new year, a new beginning.
Tjhai's birthday surprise:
I'm too lazy to elaborate and type what I have in my head.
Going to shower and sleep right now.
I'm lacking of sleep.
Sleep deprived = not a very happy looking girl.
Especially with eye bags and stuff.
Goodnight lovelies!
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