Look at how fat I am.

How to lose all the fats in 7 weeks?!
I need to be at least 45-48kg before I go back to Singapore.
I'm starting to eat really little now.
Like, I eat, but I can't consume the same amount of food like I used to.
So, we went to eat Jajangmyeon just now.
I gave Chuang probably 1/3 of my noodles.
And I only ate 1/3 of my remaining two-thirds.
Hm, all of us (the girls) didn't finish except for Aly :p
Va ate half I think.
Mualz ate less than 1/3 -__-
She's worse than me hehe.
I should start to eat even little-r.
And start heading to the gym again...
Determination shall and will definitely play a huge role!
I hope procrastination will not appear in front of my eyes.
Need to lose weight like how I did the other week.
I gym-ed like 3/4 times and had my two sessions of Taekwondo in a week.
Didn't really eat much, no dinner and all.
I lost about 1kg plus in a week.
I need to do that for the next 7 weeks.
Gym at least 3 times a week.
Taekwondo 2 times a week.
And I can finally start swimming since it's not that cold anymore.
Lunch but no dinner :)
Early dinner shall be acceptable.
Yay, diet mode on.
Or rather, healthy lifestyle mode on.
Okay, back to today.
Before heading to Ktown for our early dinner, Aly was craving for KC Boba so she fetched me and we went to KC for our lunch.
Spicy Tuna + Jasmine Milk Green Tea with Boba.
I dropped by my place to change to jeans and to take my polaroid.
We arrived at the restaurant at 430pm.
Which was the time the rest were going to leave home.
So we waited for an hour for them.
We took a few pictures at the alley next to the complex where the restaurant was at.
And we took most of the remaining pictures in our memory cards in the car.
Quite retarded.
There were 2 ladies who walked past the car and saw us taking pictures of ourselves and were laughing.
Okay, whatever.
Hm, when we left.
Something hilarious happened.
Please do not laugh to yourself and pee in your pants due to our stupidity.
So, we were driving, or rather Aly was driving towards the entrance of the freeway.
Suddenly, we heard this hissing sound.
We freaked out.
I told her maybe her tires were punctured and was making that sound.
We were so freaking scared.
We found a place to park by the roadside, called the rest to come to meet us so that Chuang could tell us what's wrong with the car.
While waiting for them to come, we off-ed and on-ed the car, trying to figure out where the sound was actually coming from.
After the 3rd time off-ing the engine and switching in back on again.
We found the source.
It wasn't the tires.
It had nothing to do with the engine as well.
It was the...
It was making the hissing sound because it was set at 68F, which was apparently, too cold for it to handle.
We were laughing our asses off after finding out that that was actually where the sound was coming from.
We called the others to tell them not to come another because it was just the air-con.
Freaking hilarious.
But Aly found it more retarded than it being funny.
Okay, I can't tell a joke very well.
Okay, I am seriously praying for the cameras that I want to get to fall out from the sky and onto my balcony or something.
And I want to go to pretty places to take photos.
I need more pretty pictures to post everywhere.
Okay, I am craving for Urth Caffe's Green Tea Blended with Boba.
But I shall not get it because I shall go on a diet.
I've been having too much boba anyway.
My sugar intake sky-rocket-ed this week.
I just invented my own word.
As usual.
I shall bathe now.
I am in a holiday mood, not in the studying mood.
I feel like it's still so early because the sun just set not long ago.
It's already 9pm but I feel like it's 7pm or something.
Okay, I shall bathe and start studying.
Shall sleep at 1am the latest.
Why must there be school?
One last picture:

Kisses for all of you.
I shall not blog again today because I should be studying and preparing myself for finals.
So, til whenever I feel like blogging, I shall...
Bid you guys goodbye and have a pleasant day or night.
Whichever region you guys are in.
And whatever time it is you guys are at this space, I wished you guys both.
So blahblah.
Omg, I'm getting to lame.
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